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I'm thinking of doing it not to fill a fifth week with work but to give abit of over run time and flexibility with kids holidays. And a dedicated week to book gutter vac work in
👍 My think of to lighten my workload for each week but also told soften the blow of future increases in the coming years, I'm in the North East of England and prices can still be pushed but there will be a limit.

Then you've got these who I'm told have £30.00 or so minimum https://yourlocal.com/about/ I had never heard of them until a few weeks ago
Not a question about how much, it's too early to kick the Hornets nest ? got a few questions about getting my business "structure" in place as my numbers are growing.

1) with cleaning frequency, I'm toying with the idea of only offering either 4 or 6 weekly cleans and separate price for a one off. For example go to price a job I'd offer them only 2 choices,

4 weekly = £15

One off clean = £30

Or would you offer them;

6 weekly = £20

One off clean = £40

I'm not scared to loose customers as I'd rather have my business model and how I wanna operate in place before having 200 customers on weird and wonderful schedules.

My second question is how do you find your retention for your 4 weekers as realistically if your doing a good job their windows shouldn't be filthy come your next visit, so would they weigh up if they need you as regular? I've found I have alot of success selling 8 weekly which I'm fine to carry on doing just means I need obviously 400 on the books to clear my target of 200 per month.
I'm shocked at how low those prices are. I can understand if you living up north but CROYDON? I would expect those prices to be double... :oops:
better to read in to prices quoted on forums , if someone saying i start at £20 reality is they are starting at ten,but it doesnt sound so good . £30 = 15 and so on . Who is really bothered anyway,you set your OWN stall out not along with somebody 300 miles away .Years back i went to the window cleaning show and there was a line up of windies quietly supping ale at the bar,,,, when a voice piped up,his opening gambit ? "i take £2k ....... before lunchtime and i work on my own. " Who was he trying to impress? everybody there was a window cleaner,i spose it was his insecurity brought out the bragger ?

the last bit,about working on his own,was the only true bit . He reminded me,in looks as well as persona , of Deputy Dawg
I still get potential new customers when quoting say" What's so special about your water, it's only tap water?

You're absolutely correct. They have zero concept of start up or average operational running costs
When I'm quoting, if they start mentioning the price being high and even hint or mention how much has the cost of water gone up? Well I reply with 'it's not the cost of the water or the cost of the other stuff in the business, it's the cost of keeping a roof over my head'. Unless you're fortunate enough to own a home outright then there is no escaping the high cost of mortgage / rent doesn't matter how cheap everything else is, most people understand it then and can relate to it.

I'm as flexible as anyone out there and do my best to win over potential customers, but I don't get into any arguments about the pricing though, I make a short statement and then it's a case of I'm not putting a bullet to your head, take it or leave it!