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Resin Driveway advice.


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Hi, I haven't done many resin driveways, though when I do I find them a ball ache! Leaving lines behind on the FSC which don't look great. I always go up and down and left to right which improves it, but still not how I'd like it. Am I missing a trick here? I'm always worried about using any sort of turbo nozzle as I don't want to blow the resin out.

Would using hypo before after after help? I haven't used hypo on the last job I've just done mainly because I wasn't 100% it would be okay?

Any help would be ace. Thanks
Hi, I haven't done many resin driveways, though when I do I find them a ball ache! Leaving lines behind on the FSC which don't look great. I always go up and down and left to right which improves it, but still not how I'd like it. Am I missing a trick here? I'm always worried about using any sort of turbo nozzle as I don't want to blow the resin out.

Would using hypo before after after help? I haven't used hypo on the last job I've just done mainly because I wasn't 100% it would be okay?

Any help would be ace. Thanks
Depending what’s on the drive we hypo first then use a fsc overlapping by 1/4 to half and have never had any issues with lines Tarmac though is another issue
Depending what’s on the drive we hypo first then use a fsc overlapping by 1/4 to half and have never had any issues with lines Tarmac though is another issue
Thanks Pjj, yeah I stay away from tarmac as much as possible. I'll give both bits of advice a go next time to see if it improves. I can't see it being my FSC only the person behind using it lol

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