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Solar Panel Cleaning Training Course To Be Held 11th July 2015


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Hi everyone.

Just a quick update to let you know that the course is now nearly full with delegates from many parts of the UK attending. We only have 5 spaces remaining. If you wish to attend, please contact us ASAP.

I think the word you are looking for is "subcontractors" @Solar Steve not "delegates" or have you opened it up to anyone now that don't need to do any work for you nor wear yer t-shirt etc.?

Subcontractor/delegate/attendee, it's just a word...

The T-shirts are important only for commercial jobs, not residential. We have had feedback from clients where a subcontractor has attended to one of our jobs without any of our business cards, signage or our t-shirt and our client has no proof they are from Clean Solar Solutions Ltd.

We may decide to do branded hi-viz instead to put over your current clothing. That's something we are discussing currently, so any sensible feedback about that is valued.

I certainly can see that being a more pleasing and workable solution...

@solarsteve your course is going to be very short lived if your dividing the country to workable patches you won't have that many people using the course long term

@solarsteve your course is going to be very short lived if your dividing the country to workable patches you won't have that many people using the course long term
That's fine with me. It's not a long term revenue stream for me. I don't want everyone to come. It's not about making money, it's about building a single, trusted network of subcontractors who we know are up to the standard required.

Those who act first will be the biggest beneficiaries and we know they are the most keen to make it work. All parties at this stage who are attending not only see the incredible collective value it carries, we are all determined to cooperate to make it work too.

It seems solar Steve takes nothing but a bashing on here!!

I no the concept of people paying to attend a course so they can sub contract to a company seems a little bizarre!

But if someone has time avaibable and paying a little investment means more work and money surely it's not that bad!

My girlfriend attends coursing about her job all the time but in her contract the company pays for it but if she leaves within a certain time she has to either pay the course fees or hand the cert back!

Steve let's say joe bloggs from Mars attends course does that mean he will will clean all the solar panels on Mars and you draw up a contract to state this!!

Like I've mentioned on the forum I've been offered a massive contract doin solar panels national but the company has insisted the work isn't sub contracted out and I as company owner put forward all scopes of work and risk asessments.if one of your contractors made a major mistake couldn't that come back on you??

There is also a new gov legislation coming into place which I'm sure you no off Steve that could generate a lot off work regarding solar panel cleaning

So if someone attends the course maybe without knowing they could earn serious money

if the government decide to regulate solar panel cleaning surely they will introduce a government accredited course and license with juicy fee?

It's not the actual cleaning the government are regulating more what they will be making new businesses do!!!/emoticons/wink.png

i suppose we will find out eventually :rolleyes:

after they promise us the world

How dareth you besmirch the good character of our upstanding politicians! Cheats, thieves, pedos and con men yes... but liars, you are going too far there Norm! /emoticons/tongue.png:p
i humbly apologise to a fine bunch of eh truthful stranger to the truth people:thumbsup:

i suppose we will find out eventually :rolleyes:after they promise us the world
Promise we will all be better off,but you only qualify if foreign,on the dole and raging alcoholic or drug addict and produce more kids then the average African family

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