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Solar Panel Cleaning Training Course To Be Held 11th July 2015


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Im sure you do understand what i was saying i was pointing out how you constantly contradict your self all through this thread. And the people who have read through this thread and cant see the second hand car dealer bull shat you have giving them deserve to be ripped off. its just a shame new people comeing on here for advice about window cleaning and solar cleaning are feeling the need to joing the solar steve experiance for a price or die by solar panel

@Solar Steve just out of curiosity, is there anyone from Dumfries & Galloway attending the course?

Feel free to PM me if you'd prefer not to disclose on this thread. Cheers.

I cleaned some panels for clean solar solutions a week or two ago.

It happened like this

Email from css, can you clean some panels at X for a price of Y?

X is near me and Y I am happy with.

I turn up and do the job.

I've only just sent a bill so not expecting payment pronto.

If there's going to be more straightforward and uncomplicated work that pays 'okay' then it's worth a couple of hundred quid.

Not sure what all the dramatics are for. But we're all looking from differing perspectives. Innit.

I take it whatever your made from that job the fee for the training course was deducted as @Solar Steve surely can't have untrained ppl doing work for him what with his reputation being at steak & all?

On a another note looking at your site I wonder why Solar Steve you made no mention of the fact that only ppl willing to sub work from you will be given the opportunity for this training subject to areas not already being covered in the country or is not the case now? :rolleyes:http://www.solar-panel-cleaners.com/solar-panel-cleaning-training-uk-clean-solar-solutions

I also wonder how long the ppl in that pic kept their gloves on as looks like a staged pic to me./emoticons/biggrin.png

you saying that smurf@ as i pointed out further back in the thread one of solars promotional vids shows his boys solar panel cleaning on water with no protection. Im sure just workimg for steve means you are immune from electricution the floating solar fsrm vid . i think its gone walk about now il see if i can find it

I also wonder how long the ppl in that pic kept their gloves on as looks like a staged pic to me./emoticons/biggrin.png
What was the giveaway? ....maybe the fact that there's not a single drop of water dripping down. :rolleyes: /emoticons/biggrin.png

Course content:

"Ok guys, first you go up....then you go down".

..."Then you go up

...then down".

"And then up...


...and then down".


[/media]check this out no gloves and standing in the water that runs off the panel this is a current vid on the site i can electricute my self with out paying for the privalage

Course content:
"Ok guys, first you go up....then you go down".

..."Then you go up

...then down".

"And then up...


...and then down".
Course content:
"Ok guys, first you go up....then you go down".

..."Then you go up

...then down".

"And then up...


...and then down".
and were are there bloody t shirts?they cost £199+vat!!!

You'll see from the video that indeed we were not wearing gloves. But that job was done in August 2013. That was one of our first arrays bigger than a residential array. We were very limited in our knowledge back then. Like all quality businesses, we have continued to research, develop and introduce new measures to ensure the safety of our employees.

The solar cleaning industry was in it's infancy then and is maturing now. Our working methods have changed a lot since then and I would expect them to change again during the next two years.

I cleaned some panels for clean solar solutions a week or two ago.It happened like this

Email from css, can you clean some panels at X for a price of Y?

X is near me and Y I am happy with.

I turn up and do the job.

I've only just sent a bill so not expecting payment pronto.

If there's going to be more straightforward and uncomplicated work that pays 'okay' then it's worth a couple of hundred quid.

Not sure what all the dramatics are for. But we're all looking from differing perspectives. Innit.
I wouldn't normally do this on here @SPC but I'm glad you broke cover and said you've done a job for us. :) Please can you re-send your bill on letterheaded paper please and we will get it paid ASAP? Cheers.

I wouldn't normally do this on here @SPC but I'm glad you broke cover and said you've done a job for us. /emoticons/smile.png Please can you re-send your bill on letterheaded paper please and we will get it paid ASAP? Cheers.
If you havent run any courses yet... how did SPC train?

Oh well I see you don't monitor ppe on recent jobs either as they don't seems to be wearing proper protective gloves or boots if at all on that water based spf vid either.

Not being funny but surely back when you started you realised yourself and others were at risk from electrocution cleaning spa’s but still you did not put any provisions in place to minimise the risk.

If you havent run any courses yet... how did SPC train?
My knowledge of solar panels comes from installing and running my own arrays with varying open circuit voltage, depending on charge controller and inverter used. Oh and are they wired in series or parallel. This affects voltage and current greatly. And impedance too. Size of wire etc.

I've some broad engineering qualifications, including electronic/electrical NVQs, Also done an apprentiship in engineering, involving single and three phase control circuits etc.

My whole approach to window cleaning comes from research to cleaning solar panels (being off grid with my own mini power station) and now I find myself here.

I'm not qualified to clean panels, although I have dabbled with and shocked myself a few times. Watch out!

Best way to learn maybe? **** about with your own kit?

People can pick holes in any post on here, on any topic. More often than not it's constructive, sometimes less so.

I hope I'm being constrictive here as sounds like common sense to me thinking about all the risks involved when preparing any risk assessments and method statements for individual jobs/sites

How could anyone ignore when they go to clean solar panels there is no risks involved beats me.

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