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Spotting problem...help?


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Clean glass as normal, turn water supply off use the brush and wipe along the top seal to remove as much water as possible should stop runs ive also recently statyed using black 100 degree fans and found it mists on the window instead of runs down it. Also latley ive been using added sparkle additive in my water and found it helps i didnt notice much of a difference using vision which i presume is the same stuff. I had a sample and was impressed so ordered a bottle today. Will see how it works out. 

Clean glass as normal, turn water supply off use the brush and wipe along the top seal to remove as much water as possible should stop runs ive also recently statyed using black 100 degree fans and found it mists on the window instead of runs down it. Also latley ive been using added sparkle additive in my water and found it helps i didnt notice much of a difference using vision which i presume is the same stuff. I had a sample and was impressed so ordered a bottle today. Will see how it works out. 

Keep us update on the sparkle. I've ordered some Vision but waiting for it to come back into stock. Hoping this is gonna help, even just a little of those windows becoming a little bit more hydrophillic


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