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The guild


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Apart from the ID badges, van decals (new logo now, not the old crest), membership cert, online exposure - there's also downloadable marketing materials and a new 132 page MGWC Health & Safety Policy Procedure Manual,...
My personal experience is that when I started including a copy of my member cert etc in commercial quotations, I started winning a lot more of the jobs,.. the cert might not actually mean that much to us in the industry, but it can impress the decision makers that hand out the nicer commercial contracts if you have a badge or 2 on your stationary.

so for £60 you get stickers and a id badge that is all because the rest as mentioned is free on the internet most of the documents are just links to offers as well the whole thing is a sham you are getting paid to do his web page so you are staying loyal but be honest it is a big con.

Member with Benefits (Sole Trader/Small Limited business)

£250+VAT Entry Level membership with Certification, Photo I.D Members Badge, Vehicle Sticker, Full Access to the MGWC Shop, Guild Partner benefits and access to documents, marketing material.

AND access to our MGWC supplies store to purchase goods and systems.

Guild Member

£50+VAT - Entry Level membership with Certification, Photo I.D Members Badge, Vehicle Sticker, Guild Partner benefits and access to documents, marketing material

It strikes me that you can get a sticker and id card saying your fully insured and trained professional but no mention of this training or insurance within the membership. So does this then mean people can simply pay for membership, get these but not necessarily have any insurance or training.

Gees i missed the boat here didn't i, I can easily create a professional looking cert, probably source id cards and hey presto we are the WCF Guild!

Yep that's about it @Gav but you use to have to provide proof you were insured though.

Nat started it so ppl could have a cheaper option that did not want to fork out loads of money joining the other one that is very well known. How things have changed since Lee has taken over /emoticons/biggrin.png

It strikes me that you can get a sticker and id card saying your fully insured and trained professional but no mention of this training or insurance within the membership. So does this then mean people can simply pay for membership, get these but not necessarily have any insurance or training.
Gees i missed the boat here didn't i, I can easily create a professional looking cert, probably source id cards and hey presto we are the WCF Guild!

Well said:)/emoticons/smile.png

Honestly never looked into this kind of thing, guilds etc, but I can only see it helping with the image of your company?
can't hurt anyway, and I am sure it will impress some, especially businesses.
This is thebasics of advertising and marketing. Make you feel inadiquate, and then take take your money to make you feel good about yourself again.

Lol yeah I saw it when I first started cleaning but never felt the need to join really.
I can imagine that most people that sign up are noobs wanting to be accepted in their new trade, without realising that no other professionals are stupid enough to be in it.

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not the guild but the other one er whats its name....er master of federation of master window wanke window cleaners but...only cause i had a contract which told me i had to be a member....once the contract ended ..so did membership...i wanted to have a go at that fastest window cleaner comp ..i bloody fast in the olden times...when the blade lets me....

i warn you ....i am fast.....but....its all in the detail...today...it took me far far longer to er....wipe the foo kin sills...all soaking wet ...one scrim lasted...one house ....bloody cold weather...

hey cushdee....a lot of the windows today...just nicely fitted my 18 inch blade straight down easy peasy...oh so good when that happens....

I will use less cloths after january

Been chatting to the mrs (well sometimes we have to talk to em) and decided buying van in February and gonna diy a wfp jobbie in it

Hang on cheapie I'm coming over to the dark side

Tops to start with but who knows where it will go

Been mulling it over for a while now and gonna take the plunge

Just need a van for around 3k

yep another one bites the dust..../emoticons/biggrin.png...one of the pain of trads today was the soaking wet sills and the soap suds i mean you cant leave em but a scrim lasts seconds mopping em.....i blade em and leave em but its the hardest part but the dark side...all you leave on the sills is water...and water was what was there before so you wet and walk....simples..banana out again tomoz...../emoticons/biggrin.png

funny enough...its the tops i have the problem with...bottoms wfped i do okay so i suppose...i not given the tops enough wellee...you live and learn

I will use less cloths after januaryBeen chatting to the mrs (well sometimes we have to talk to em) and decided buying van in February and gonna diy a wfp jobbie in it

Hang on cheapie I'm coming over to the dark side

Tops to start with but who knows where it will go
Yay :balloondance:

I did a house trad today and it took forever :thumbsdown: hated doing it.

yep another one bites the dust..../emoticons/biggrin.png...one of the pain of trads today was the soaking wet sills and the soap suds i mean you cant leave em but a scrim lasts seconds mopping em.....i blade em and leave em but its the hardest part but the dark side...all you leave on the sills is water...and water was what was there before so you wet and walk....simples..banana out again tomoz...../emoticons/biggrin.png
funny enough...its the tops i have the problem with...bottoms wfped i do okay so i suppose...i not given the tops enough wellee...you live and learn
And the water on the edge of the glass starts creeping in towards the centre more this time of year after blading it. :thumbsdown:

I don't want to give up tradding the bottomsI enjoy trad too much
That, really is the only reason to trad bottoms, wfp tops, is if you just enjoy it /emoticons/smile.png

I can't be arsed to be honest, while wfp is out it gets used /emoticons/smile.png

tis a funny time of the year.....one minute cold the nest hot...the next dark...

yep with you on that @dirmrajch what ever ....er dirw@ er dirw@

@dirw nope its not working again for me...you know who you are....oy ..big ****...

Been tradding too long to be bothered by the weather but fancy leaving ladders on me roof unless doing gutters
