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I don't want to give up tradding the bottomsI enjoy trad too much
No point in going WFP then Davey. Too much messing about doing both on a house. Once you've got the WFP gear out you won't want to put it away /emoticons/wink.png

Too be honest Diwrnach i bet i could trad a bottom window quicker than you could wfp it properly..lol

Too be honest Diwrnach i bet i could trad a bottom window quicker than you could wfp it properly..lol
Not if you have just wfp the top, wfp the lot is going to be faster than wfp top, trad bottom, just in the extra dicking about with two sets of stuff

I reckon you're right tuffers

Everyone says i will get addicted

Don't want to give up a skill i have used for 23 years

Anyone know where the thread is for jimmyboots home made van setup?

I cannae find it

My prediction from Mystic Matt, is, you will start off trading the bottoms for awhile, then slowly but surely slip into the "**** it" mode and just wfp the lot /emoticons/tongue.png

nah daveyboy....i reckon some houses suit trad more than wfp...

and er... er ...you dont get to see some of the ....er sights you see on trad....oh me loves the yummy mummys....

I have a 5 bed townhouse with georgians aith an extension and full lenth patio doors on back with slopey roof

Friend of mine which is only reason i roof walk as he has been warned if i break em he replaces em

Can't wait to do that wfp

Still gonna be a couple of months yet though

Trad indoors only for me, I do what is easiest and fastest, for me that is WFP.

If you like doing trad great, if you can add some enjoyment to work then great, but for me I like my toys lol.

What is this hydrophilic and homophobic glass business?
One is easy and quick to rinse, one isn't, the water kind of goes like mercury, still fine to wfp you just have to rinse more/slower

ones nice and easy ones a pain in the arris....you have to chase it down and it takes ages...but coming soon ..been assured...a new magic additive to make things easier...yawn....:rolleyes:

and i think your right about the skill of trad or wfp....you can lose it if you havent done it for a while....but yes you do soon pick it up but ....its like they say...and i tell the wife...its ..use it or lose it.../emoticons/biggrin.png

i get pretty peeved when i blade and it leaves marks....but after a while the force is back and it all works out okay....
