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Too many cleaners in my area


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You are making some very disparaging remarks about people that have been doing it for longer than you and are far more successful then you.
Whilst I admire your personal principles, in doing a very thorough job, just because others do it differently doesn't make you right.
The majority of our work is with PM companies whose residents hate paying their management fees so they look for the smallest of excuses to complain. We do between 8 and 10 flats per hour and haven't had a legitimate complaint in over a year.
You are making some very disparaging remarks about people that have been doing it for longer than you and are far more successful then you.
Whilst I admire your personal principles, in doing a very thorough job, just because others do it differently doesn't make you right.
The majority of our work is with PM companies whose residents hate paying their management fees so they look for the smallest of excuses to complain. We do between 8 and 10 flats per hour and haven't had a legitimate complaint in over a year.
Same here mate
Lots of pm work and no issues
Yes I think you have gone to far we all take pride in our work and just because we do it different to what you like it doing doesn’t mean we are no good or conning the customer we wouldn’t be in business if we were no good . I have been in business many years not just cleaning and all have been built on quality and hard work.Sounds like your customers are pulling the shots do you run it or do they saying how long you should take
i might take you up on that some time, but i bet when you leave and them frames dry out i could find stuff ppl in my area would complain about..
While everyone is free to run their business the way they chose, sometimes we get set in our ways.
From what you have said I do wonder if somehow you are not managing your customers expectations. While we all want to do a great job we can't get the windows back to brand new and earn reasonable money as it would take way too much time.
Maybe you could compromise a little on how long it takes on new jobs. Maybe cut it down to 25 mins and see if you get any new customers complaining.

I think that working the way you come accustomed to is hurting your ability to earn more.
Everyone has different standards and you have to strike a balance between the standard of clean and the price. Someone cleaning a 3 bed semi with conservatory doing 4 an hour would not be at my standard. That's not to say they're doing it wrong, it's just saying that it's impossible to clean like I would doing 4 an hour. It's just the detail, things like wiping the door handles with a microfibre, finger prints off the letterbox's, sidelights by the door... it's the detailing... but then I charge for that, it's almost certain my price would be higher otherwise we'd be talking about £100 per hour and I don't think there are many on here earning that.

So you have to compare apples with apples and oranges with oranges. You can only judge your own service and what you offer. A key metric if you're doing it right is making a very good turnover without losing customers... and then getting more customers on top of what you've got. If you're getting complaints then something is wrong, if you're not getting new customers then something is wrong, if you're losing customers then something is seriously wrong.

Only yourself can judge your own business. I'm all for having a high standard, but just be careful not to believe it's impossible to do things more efficiently and faster. If you have it set in your mind that it has to be 30 minutes... well I know I could work out how to do it in 29 minutes and 50 seconds. Being quick and efficient is part of cleaning, there is a limit to how fast you can reasonably get but it's good to push yourself and try and offer a better quality, faster service.

Just concentrate on your own business though and if it's working for you, keep doing it. Oh and one other thing, I don't do canvassing as I find it destroys the soul hearing of other window cleaners and the prices, I've built mine off leaflets, you don't hear of how cheap everyone is in the same way as canvassing...
I am finding a lot of new cleaners in my area, like beyond the normal amount. Most of them are £12 rinse & go and they don't even do a good job, but ppl take them on, even if they leave the windows a right state... I have been called out a lot of late to sort out bad cleaner mess ups, of course i am more expensive than the average cleaner. Now these are the same customers who turned down cleans from me in the past because they thought i was too expensive.
So i went canvassing in those areas to see how bad it was and man ppl are telling me on the door step that their cleaner comes every six weeks charges £12 and spends less than five minutes at their house, i am like wow what a ripoff... Thing is there are three in my area and i really hate to say it but they are very poor actors, they are taking up a lot of the work, i don't mind too much but today really showed me that either i am too expensive and can not compete as well, because i spend time cleaning as I find customers walk when you don't.. so i am not sure what to do about it, seems like anyone can start a window cleaning round these days feel like i am failing but know that i am better than these noobs and it's just silly right now tbh Thoughts???
It seems to me like you are a bit miffed that other cleaners are busier than you despite their lower level of service, I'm assuming you have set your stall out and you've now got customers clock watching you and checking your work every time because of what you've told them you've almost set yourself up to fail.

I've been in business for 23 years next week and maybe averaged 1 complaint a year over these 23 years in that time I have cleaned countless windows so I must be doing it right yet in your eyes I am wrong because I wouldn't be spending 30 minutes at a house.
cleaned our 2 bedroom park home the other day it took no longer then 8 minutes including setting up and packing up. Went round afterwards to check windows, frames and sills. It looked absolutely pukka and thats with my flow rate set at 35 with 2 x 1.4 mm pencil jets just for reference.

I`d try and concentrate on shaving a bit of time off your cleans. Experimenting perhaps on your own windows. Seeing what works for you.
It seems to me like you are a bit miffed that other cleaners are busier than you despite their lower level of service, I'm assuming you have set your stall out and you've now got customers clock watching you and checking your work every time because of what you've told them you've almost set yourself up to fail.

I've been in business for 23 years next week and maybe averaged 1 complaint a year over these 23 years in that time I have cleaned countless windows so I must be doing it right yet in your eyes I am wrong because I wouldn't be spending 30 minutes at a house.
I never get complaints about my work... I am just sick of the lies ppl tell on here, as excuses for five minute cheap cleans that leave a mess.. seems like a few of them are in my area, what they are probably not aware of is the regret a lot of the older cleaners now feel having charged so cheap and them starting to have back problems, because they kept rushing jobs.. Yall keep doing cheap rush cleans if you want, but ask your self is it worth the Crushed Vertebrae you will likely end up with later in life, I'll just keep pushing back customers are not stupid they will see the fraudsters for who they are in time... Yall treat your customers like poop then put your hand out shame on you...
I never get complaints about my work... I am just sick of the lies ppl tell on here, as excuses for five minute cheap cleans that leave a mess.. seems like a few of them are in my area, what they are probably not aware of is the regret a lot of the older cleaners now feel having charged so cheap and them starting to have back problems, because they kept rushing jobs.. Yall keep doing cheap rush cleans if you want, but ask your self is it worth the Crushed Vertebrae you will likely end up with later in life, I'll just keep pushing back customers are not stupid they will see the fraudsters for who they are in time... Yall treat your customers like poop then put your hand out shame on you...

I can’t honestly believe you are being serious with all this calling people fraudsters and what not. It sounds like you are just dragging jobs out to get my money out of your clientele, instead of being more efficient and then being able to offer more competitive rates with other fit and active window cleaners in your area.
I never get complaints about my work... I am just sick of the lies ppl tell on here, as excuses for five minute cheap cleans that leave a mess.. seems like a few of them are in my area, what they are probably not aware of is the regret a lot of the older cleaners now feel having charged so cheap and them starting to have back problems, because they kept rushing jobs.. Yall keep doing cheap rush cleans if you want, but ask your self is it worth the Crushed Vertebrae you will likely end up with later in life, I'll just keep pushing back customers are not stupid they will see the fraudsters for who they are in time... Yall treat your customers like poop then put your hand out shame on you...
14 years in business and you've never had a single complaint I find that hard to believe no one is 100% every time as we ain't robots and therefore are subject to human error, my vertebrae will be fine I had mine jacked up with bone off my hip years ago and have two pins in my spine.

I think you need to drugs test your food and drink as someone may have been putting hallucinogenics in them o_O
I am finding a lot of new cleaners in my area, like beyond the normal amount. Most of them are £12 rinse & go and they don't even do a good job, but ppl take them on, even if they leave the windows a right state... I have been called out a lot of late to sort out bad cleaner mess ups, of course i am more expensive than the average cleaner. Now these are the same customers who turned down cleans from me in the past because they thought i was too expensive.
So i went canvassing in those areas to see how bad it was and man ppl are telling me on the door step that their cleaner comes every six weeks charges £12 and spends less than five minutes at their house, i am like wow what a ripoff... Thing is there are three in my area and i really hate to say it but they are very poor actors, they are taking up a lot of the work, i don't mind too much but today really showed me that either i am too expensive and can not compete as well, because i spend time cleaning as I find customers walk when you don't.. so i am not sure what to do about it, seems like anyone can start a window cleaning round these days feel like i am failing but know that i am better than these noobs and it's just silly right now tbh Thoughts???
Some go quantity rather tha quality i get alot say they have sacked cleaners off for being too quick and leaving a mess but keep doing what you do as word of mouth is powerful and you'll pick up from customers wanting quality
facts.. if you are not spending at least 30 minutes per clean on a regular monthly clean, then you are not rinsing enough and are likely leaving a mess behind after you leave, that's science babe water needs time to drop dirt down. Experience means nothing if your cleans look bad minutes after the fact.. I see it all the time i get calls about these cleaners everyday, you say you have 30 years experience, but if you haven't learned that it's 30 minutes plus to clean, in the 30 years you have been working, then something may not be right with your cleans. I have been cleaning 14 years even i know that...
Valid point but i feel it can be quicker on some properties and still be good, generally i see it as if the property has and is regularly maintained monthly 4-5wkly can be quicker also if the first clean is done properly too its less work id say quickest i can do a 3 bed semi is 20-25 20 if flows orderly wise from pulling up gate open no obstacles etc
I never get complaints about my work... I am just sick of the lies ppl tell on here, as excuses for five minute cheap cleans that leave a mess.. seems like a few of them are in my area, what they are probably not aware of is the regret a lot of the older cleaners now feel having charged so cheap and them starting to have back problems, because they kept rushing jobs.. Yall keep doing cheap rush cleans if you want, but ask your self is it worth the Crushed Vertebrae you will likely end up with later in life, I'll just keep pushing back customers are not stupid they will see the fraudsters for who they are in time... Yall treat your customers like poop then put your hand out shame on you...
We certainly don’t do cheap rushed cleans I think your blanket accusations are a bit insulting to be honest , yes there are some who do a very poor job we have them round here to but don’t tar us all with the same brush ,and it is possible to do a thorough job without taking all day .
Just carry on and stop insulting us all you know your customers apparently they want you for 30 minutes if that’s the way you work fine just don’t expect us to follow suit
I never get complaints about my work... I am just sick of the lies ppl tell on here, as excuses for five minute cheap cleans that leave a mess.. seems like a few of them are in my area, what they are probably not aware of is the regret a lot of the older cleaners now feel having charged so cheap and them starting to have back problems, because they kept rushing jobs.. Yall keep doing cheap rush cleans if you want, but ask your self is it worth the Crushed Vertebrae you will likely end up with later in life, I'll just keep pushing back customers are not stupid they will see the fraudsters for who they are in time... Yall treat your customers like poop then put your hand out shame on you...
I bet I charge more than you and still do an average 3 bed in about 10 minutes
Pull the other one it’s got bells on
I think we all still remember when we were novices and would overclean windows just to make sure they were definitely perfect. I think some people never move on from that level. Obviously the longer you’re in a job the better and quicker you get, take something like bricklayering for example you think an apprentice lays as many as a guy with 10 years experience?!
Take some time to really focus on your speed and precision and I’m sure you’ll be able to catch up with us master window cleaners
Just to add to that can you imagine giving all your gear to some random bloke down the pub and telling him to clean a single window for 15 mins. Do you think it’d be perfect after constantly scrubbing and pouring pure water over it for 15 mins? Of course it would.
The skill of the job is in the speed AND the quality. Just because you can’t clean to such standards in that time doesn’t mean it isn’t possible, it just means you haven’t developed the speed yet. It’s ok!
I can’t personally run 100m in 9.58 secs but I’m not so arrogant to them think it can’t be done
Just to add to that can you imagine giving all your gear to some random bloke down the pub and telling him to clean a single window for 15 mins. Do you think it’d be perfect after constantly scrubbing and pouring pure water over it for 15 mins? Of course it would.
I disagree with that statement. It was well known that there are people who can't wash their hands properly no matter how long they spend washing them. There are studies that have shown this. Those same people can and will miss the corners and edges of the window now matter how long they spend on it. Those spiders nests that are hidden in the corner won't be removed by these types of people.

I went to a quote yesterday that a wfp window cleaner had been doing. There were about 20 spiders nests on the front window alone. The reality is there are a lot of cleaners out there that think they're good but they're not. This is a fact as I've seen it with my own eyes. This is not saying that anyone on here is like that, it's just saying that there are lots out there who don't clean the corners and edges of the glass. They probably believe they're doing a mint job, but it's not.

Everyone has different standards, it's not just black and white difference. It's not a case of clean or not clean, there is a whole scale of different standards. Someone who misses the last cm of the corner probably thinks they're doing a better job than someone who misses the last inch of the corner, that guy probably thinks he's better than the one who doesn't rinse properly....

If anyone thinks they're good... just go and offer an interior clean of one of your customers houses. You will be horrified at how bad your work is compared to how you think it is. Perfection doesn't exist, it's how close to perfection you can get in a reasonable time frame at a reasonable cost.
Thing is there are three in my area and i really hate to say it but they are very poor actors, they are taking up a lot of the work, i don't mind too much but today really showed me that either i am too expensive and can not compete as well, because i spend time cleaning as I find customers walk when you don't.. so i am not sure what to do about it, seems like anyone can start a window cleaning round these days feel like i am failing but know that i am better than these noobs and it's just silly right now tbh Thoughts???
Going back to your original post.
You say you want more customers.

You are stating that after canvassing you came to the conclusion you are either too expensive or taking too much time to do 'your perfect clean'.

You asked for the forums thoughts!

I, and judging by other posts, many others here think you are either too expensive (for your area) or taking too much time! So we all actually agree!

You state that you don't believe you can clean to your standards any quicker, therefore the only thing you can do to gain more customers is lower your price!

There is no need to call people thieves, accuse people who don't follow your methods as con men, rip off merchants etc. We can all be nice and help each other.
I think we all still remember when we were novices and would overclean windows just to make sure they were definitely perfect. I think some people never move on from that level. Obviously the longer you’re in a job the better and quicker you get, take something like bricklayering for example you think an apprentice lays as many as a guy with 10 years experience?!
Take some time to really focus on your speed and precision and I’m sure you’ll be able to catch up with us master window cleaners
Think where he could be in another 60 years or so then
He may have sped up a bit by then
Amazing what you can find if you search, and I quote from his FB page,

"FAQ Here are the five most asked questions About Window Cleaning Answered for You...
1) How long does each monthly clean take ? between 20-30 minutes but i will stay as long as it needs so it is 100% clean Everytime."

So he's telling his potential customers it could take 20 minutes and then insulting everyone that says they can do a good job in less than 30 minutes :ROFLMAO:

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