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tri-jet brush with short video.


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paul alan

Well-known member
north wales
Last week I converted a gardiner's compact brush from 2 jets to 3 jets.


All 2 mm bore, today I got to use it and its pretty good. Gives plenty enough flow and fills the gap that gets left when using the standard 2 jets.

When rinsing narrow windows all you have to do is pull down to rinse, when rinsing windows that are roughly twice the width of the brush its just a couple of straight pulls down for rinsing. It gives roughly an 8-10" "bar" of water across the glass.

I know some people will think its a bit sad messing around with jets....maybe it is......but it made today that little bit more interesting for me.

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looks good extra water probably means your getting a better rinse.Think I will try this on my spare brush.What about a 100 degree fan jet on middle jet.

looks good extra water probably means your getting a better rinse.Think I will try this on my spare brush.What about a 100 degree fan jet on middle jet.
not a huge fan of fan jets, I guess I just don't know how to use them.

I  like the control you get with pencils, with this tri-jet setup because I can go full flow and get just the right amount of pressure through the 3 jets. around the same as I do with 2 jets on 3/4 power which is my preferred setting. So I am getting more water on the glass without all the over spray and loss of precision.

I use 4x2 mm pencils on my brushes when not using fans

3 pencils will give me better flow at lower settings

