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UKIP appreciation thread.


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and that was from a smurf who said he does nt get involved in politics or religion...
hes just getting worried we will send him home...

but thats not what we want...

we just dont want any MORE people over here....its a tiny island really..
This is the thing, the second you mention immigration everyone goes "Oh you are racist and will send everyone home and will close the borders and never let anyone in again EVER" that isn't what we are saying, we want controlled immigration, with the pick of who we do and don't want, we want control of our borders, I don't see why that is such a hard thing for some to grasp or why it is seen as such a terrible thing.

Because some people are sheep and believe the twaddle our governments tell them rather than thinking about it for themselves

This is the thing, the second you mention immigration everyone goes "Oh you are racist and will send everyone home and will close the borders and never let anyone in again EVER" that isn't what we are saying, we want controlled immigration, with the pick of who we do and don't want, we want control of our borders, I don't see why that is such a hard thing for some to grasp or why it is seen as such a terrible thing.
Im not sure but...

I think we used to run our country by ourselves....I mean..I may be wrong../emoticons/biggrin.png

and er...if we sent everyone home....er...well the nhs would be well and truly foo ked...not to mention many other services....

of course...I do include corner shops.../emoticons/biggrin.png

Im not sure but...
I think we used to run our country by ourselves....I mean..I may be wrong../emoticons/biggrin.png

and er...if we sent everyone home....er...well the nhs would be well and truly foo ked...not to mention many other services....

of course...I do include corner shops.../emoticons/biggrin.png
The nhs will be ok we would just staff itwith british people who are on the dole as no jobs for them

yep agree 1 . 84 million on the dole....so er...lets not invite more in...

the main thing in this election is immigration and that is all I am bothered about really anything else...we can deal with later but....there has to be an end somewhere or else...no more green and pleasant land..:gush:

Its always good to see what other countries think of our politics, as they in many ways are the most impartial, as well as offering a different viewpoint. Americans love Farage, but this is what the Canadians think;


Talk to any of the older generation when doing your round. How many moan about Asians and Muslims? Quite a few round these parts.

Me and Lady T have sent our postal votes off today.

I do think our nige reminds me of winston in his wilderness years...ten long years in which he warned the west and was laughed at..../emoticons/biggrin.png until ...it was ...nearly too late.

still working on the wife..but the daughter and son are kippers...

she keeps saying ...its too late...well no its not...and then she says there all the same...but..

our nige hasnt had his chance yet...give him that chance...

Its always good to see what other countries think of our politics, as they in many ways are the most impartial, as well as offering a different viewpoint. Americans love Farage, but this is what the Canadians think;

That is brilliant, I think it was that speech, or maybe one of his earlier EU speeches that gave me the respect for him

I really think its a shame we didnt get more of the tv debates as I really enjoyed them and they passed very fast...I did like all the leaders but ....to me...someone stands out...:rolleyes:

I think someone spoilt the fun and I think we know why....

That is brilliant, I think it was that speech, or maybe one of his earlier EU speeches that gave me the respect for him
Theres too many to speak of, but the same happened to me the first time i saw the van rompouy attack speech lol.

I just found this vid which has some great hilarious little bits I havent come across yet;


Blimey. He ain't popular in Wales.

What's your views of the English immigrants in Wales?

Blimey. He ain't popular in Wales.What's your views of the English immigrants in Wales?
Immigration. Mass immigration. Spot the difference, one a lot of people have issue with, the other no one does.

A few weeks ago I was concerned that there would be no where to put my cross on 7th May. As I went about my work, I saw a landrover parked on a drive, decked out in UKIP flags and signs so I stopped and knocked on the door. I had a long chat with Steve Crowther and discovered that there was a candidate standing. If there was no one standing for UKIP in my area I would have done so. Steve was trying to get me to stand in another area but it was the day before the deadline and we agreed there was little time to get organised. In the future I will stand. It goes without saying I shall vote UKIP.


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