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Wfp - the bane of my life!


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Just thought of it. Does the flow dribble out or go slow ... fast..slow...etc. when mine dribbles it's a air block but a change in speed at 55 would suggest the battery.
It's all just so frustrating, mate. Sometimes it dribbles, then speeds up again, but not that today, and sometimes it's fine through one hole, and just dribbling through the other, so effectively cleans okay, but you're rinsing with one spray. But today was dribbling through both holes barely enough to drain...BUT...if i disconnected it, then waited 30 secs, it would fly out for about a minute!! then dribbling after that. annoying

Good points here. But why is his battery going down to 11.9 in 3 jobs from fully charged. I have a question; is the battery fully charged when you say it is?
I have no idea! I Halfords charger just has 3 lights


2. charging

3. fully charged

It's saying it's fully charged, but then again, like you say, is it?!!

Dunno if its just a crap charger or??...


I had similar prob. Battery showed full charge but would get 1 to 2 houses done & that was it. Charged to full in no time even discarge test showed o.k. Took to supplier who tested it with his computerised tester which showed a cell was knackered. New battery under warranty & no probs since !

You have just describe the exact some issue I had as was air in the system and the dead end detection cutting in to early.

It's all just so frustrating, mate. Sometimes it dribbles, then speeds up again, but not that today, and sometimes it's fine through one hole, and just dribbling through the other, so effectively cleans okay, but you're rinsing with one spray. But today was dribbling through both holes barely enough to drain...BUT...if i disconnected it, then waited 30 secs, it would fly out for about a minute!! then dribbling after that. annoying
but okay ..in my battery situation I hold my hands up and say frank topped it up with tap water cause water is water....sorry spruce I will go back to school....

I will eat humble pie if I'm wrong but the battery is a seperate issue as sound like is not gettng enough charge just using a split relay so will need charging properly on a regular basis.

I will eat humble pie if I'm wrong but the battery is a seperate issue as sound like is not gettng enough charge just using a split relay so will need charging properly on a regular basis.
If the problem isn't happening with the engine running then his battery needs charging.

I would also expect that he has a dead end issue with his controller or he has a faulty connection somewhere along the line.

I'm sure Clearview has posted the identical problem before.

thats the battery charger i use, i just clip it onto battery at end of week extension cable coming out of kitchen window, close van door , and leave. the leisure batteries have two pins on either side, one main pin for clamping terminal leads, one other pin to connect your connections from your charger, bolt these onto battery and leave on, then you can connect your numax intelligent charger onto these leads with the adaptor in the charger box. saves you bringing battery out. just leave all connected up in van.

Clearview try using your leisure battery only connected upto pump+controller. take it off relay.

is your charger an intelligent charger for leisure batterys also as for car batteries

that way you can eliminate your split charge relay. as being a problem..

im glad i got the numax charger as above.

if it still happens this way then you will only have three items to concentrate on, to eliminate. ...

your strainers not clogged up is it. just go through your whole system one by one.

disconnect hose from reel check flow change when controller goes lower to higher, and so on

I'm a newbie to all this but I was having what sounds like the exact same issue when I first started would be washing a house then water would get lower and lower till it dribbled out of jets. Couple of times I literally couldn't rinse the windows it was so bad. I also noticed as you say if I switched it off then on it would be ok for maybe a minute then come back. As smurf said I did notice it kept dead Ending all the time and I tried everything to get any air out. In the end I borrowed a mates hose reel which was a minibore and it was fine for a week. I went back to my microbore and it immediately did the same thing so I bought a new minibore hose and is been fine ever since.

What amp hour is the battery? If it's charging in 30 mins it's probably gone. My little 7ah cells take longer than that, with a 5amp charger.

I recon it could be a faulty battery charger. I had a similar thing. Bought new leisure battery 110ah Numax and new halfords charger. All perfect now

got my charger from lidil that has maintenance mode on it charges all batterys. Id get the battery checked Any battery place will check it for you, If you have dead cells in the battery will still show full charged even tho its not got all the cells working. Happend to my van was showing full charge but dying after a couple of days short start stops. If it is naff and you do have to replace get a leisure battery.

I'm a newbie to all this but I was having what sounds like the exact same issue when I first started would be washing a house then water would get lower and lower till it dribbled out of jets. Couple of times I literally couldn't rinse the windows it was so bad. I also noticed as you say if I switched it off then on it would be ok for maybe a minute then come back. As smurf said I did notice it kept dead Ending all the time and I tried everything to get any air out. In the end I borrowed a mates hose reel which was a minibore and it was fine for a week. I went back to my microbore and it immediately did the same thing so I bought a new minibore hose and is been fine ever since.
If you increase your dead end calibration a little then it will work with microbore hose. Dead end usually needs to be increased when the water gets colder in winter anyway.

Ok...recap: new Batt, new Pump.

I charged batt all night, got started with 57flow on small block of flats. Got halfway thru back and started to dribble instead of trickle. Went back to van fired it up at 99psi and bingo! Did the back in record time. Obviously I didn't wanna be going at 99psi all day long, so turned it back to 57psi, but started to dribble again after 2 mins or
