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yep you got the same problem as me norm....too many outgoings and not enough incomings..still xmas soon..../emoticons/smile.png

just looked at a nice colour laser printer dell.....£89...but do i need it...or do i carry on swearing at the other ink jet every time the ink drys up.....

Most of my exterior domestic work I would class as awkward @norm so to put it bluntly without using a wfp setup I would be screwed.

I'm far to old & knackered now to be going up and down ladders hudreds of times a day also taking chances for a poxy sum.

Most of my exterior domestic work I would class as awkward @norm so to put it bluntly without using a wfp setup I would be screwed.I'm far to old & knackered now to be going up and down ladders hudreds of times a day also taking chances for a poxy sum.
yeah @Smurf i hear ya mate step areobics aint no joke

yep you got the same problem as me norm....too many outgoings and not enough incomings..still xmas soon..../emoticons/smile.png
just looked at a nice colour laser printer dell.....£89...but do i need it...or do i carry on swearing at the other ink jet every time the ink drys up.....
my oldest son needs computer and printer for homework i hate the ink jet telling ya ts running low

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have houses due clean with sloping roofs below them and leads small upper windows, larger lower windows ladder needs footed by person and guy gives me a hand cant at the min.wouldnt minded having a w.f.p. to get them done
you could save allot of money and time if you used one of these

http://www.laddersafetysupplies.co.uk/laddermate.shtml brilliant bit of kit even with odd ladder angle your safe as sound! /emoticons/smile.png

this debate again!!

its quite simple all the gear for window cleaning Wfp & trad they are just tools for our job , do both and you have more options.

You will be able to do all jobs, safely all the time.I can understand now why cleaners wfp tops trad bottoms

TBH I was quite scathing of wfp to begin with. But thinking it through, obviously people wouldnt use it if it always did a **** job! Were going over to wfp alongside trad to get windows we cant normally, and to limit the amount of roof-clambering and gate-climbing we already do. Why limit yourself to just one approach?......

But on the flipside of what the OP says: ive personally watched other tradders who happened to be working near where I have, who have the athleticism of a stuffed owl, half heartedly pitch a ropey looking ladder ***-in-mouth and detail with a sopping wet scrim. Everything about it screams sloppyness and I can literally see the smears from across the road when they leave. But to generalise the entire trad method as bad on the basis of few ppl who clearly dont give a monkeys, would be plainly daft.

Use what works, where it works /emoticons/smile.png

TBH I was quite scathing of wfp to begin with. But thinking it through, obviously people wouldnt use it if it always did a **** job! Were going over to wfp alongside trad to get windows we cant normally, and to limit the amount of roof-clambering and gate-climbing we already do. Why limit yourself to just one approach?......
But on the flipside of what the OP says: ive personally watched other tradders who happened to be working near where I have, who have the athleticism of a stuffed owl, half heartedly pitch a ropey looking ladder ***-in-mouth and detail with a sopping wet scrim. Everything about it screams sloppyness and I can literally see the smears from across the road when they leave. But to generalise the entire trad method as bad on the basis of few ppl who clearly dont give a monkeys, would be plainly daft.

Use what works, where it works /emoticons/smile.png
Exactly. People make the mistake of assuming that WFP does a bad job because it's a reletively new tech. But how narrow minded is that? It's all about the user, whatever the method.

wfp has been around in the uk for 20 or so years so is not that new by any means

Exactly. People make the mistake of assuming that WFP does a bad job because it's a reletively new tech. But how narrow minded is that? It's all about the user, whatever the method.
wfp has been around in the uk for 20 or so years so is not that new by any means
Sorry I should have put new in inverted commas. I mean to say its new in the public eye. I still regulary encounter people who have never seen one before and are fascinated by the lack of ladders. Almost weekly people ask me how the whole thing works. Do you have detergent in the water etc etc.... So when they see a bad job being done they blame the equipment. It's a definite trend I've noticed. They always say "oh I've had them cleaned with one of those water poles before. It didn't do a good job." Where as if a trad cleaner does a bad job they blame the cleaner, not his equipment. Yet to contrast the situation, if a guy pressure washing does a bad job they don't blame his pressure washer. They blame him and go looking for someone who knows how to use a pressure washer. So the only possible reason they blame the WFP is because the public perception of it is new. So in their mind they've subconsciously reasoned that it's the unknown factor and therefore should be blamed.

Operator error and/or splash & dash merchants can give wfp cleaning a bad name for sure.

Same goes for a trad cleaner that dose a crap job too. /emoticons/biggrin.png

Sorry I should have put new in inverted commas. I mean to say its new in the public eye. I still regulary encounter people who have never seen one before and are fascinated by the lack of ladders. Almost weekly people ask me how the whole thing works. Do you have detergent in the water etc etc.... So when they see a bad job being done they blame the equipment. It's a definite trend I've noticed. They always say "oh I've had them cleaned with one of those water poles before. It didn't do a good job." Where as if a trad cleaner does a bad job they blame the cleaner, not his equipment. Yet to contrast the situation, if a guy pressure washing does a bad job they don't blame his pressure washer. They blame him and go looking for someone who knows how to use a pressure washer. So the only possible reason they blame the WFP is because the public perception of it is new. So in their mind they've subconsciously reasoned that it's the unknown factor and therefore should be blamed.
Very true Luke :thumbsup:

They are ok on flat level ground but are darn useless on sloping ground using any type of ladder levelers.
If the ground slopes at all what i do i just put the ladder mate on a higher rung works well for me /emoticons/smile.png

I have a ladder fitted with a stabaliser bar at the base so on sloping ground I tend to use laddermatt to level the ladder properly first like this vid


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I think both have their places. I think it is good for a window cleaner to have experience in both practices and then find thier own place that they can work within. Me I prefer trad at a safe level (Ground & 1st floor) and then beyond that I prefer to use WFP not that it alway's works out like that. Beyond 1st floor I doubt a customer will have a complaint with WFP.

Oh no who went and started the WFP V TRAD??? Both have pluses and minuses just because on or two dont do it properly does not mean everyone using that particular method are rubbish or in fact that actual method is rubbish.

Time out guys, take a breather and let's have a good clean fight! Lol no only kidding keep it nice now. /emoticons/wink.png

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