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What would you do differently if you were starting afresh again?


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I started out on my own six months ago this week and the only regret ( but not a very big one :rolleyes:) I thought I would offer a Half Price clean on the customers 3rd clean, my reasoning for this was that if I could insensitive them to have at least 3 cleans then by the time the 3rd clean was due the customers would see the benefit of having a regular cleans and also give me the chance to work the old @Greener charm and build rapport with them /emoticons/wink.png.
I spent a few quid and fair amount of time, flyers, web site, Facebook page etc promoting the offer (offer ends 31/12/15).

It probable took me the first 3 months to realise that I didn't really need to offer any incentive, just work hard, price fair, be reliable, be polite and ALWAYS do what you say you will do.

But of course once I had the first 50-100 customers under my belt the word was out "HALF PRICE 3rd CLEAN" :cheers:, picking up lots of customers via word of mouth, so I now feel compelled to offer the half price clean to every new customer mainly because you never know if they might know one of my existing customers or possible seen one of my flyers ect, ect..

I've no doubt that the offer has helped me gain a "small" amount of customers but I do think that it really wasn't needed. I don't even mention it now until after they have agreed to join my schedule, then its along the lines of " thank you very much and as a way of showing my appreciation for you joining my round your 3rd clean will be Half Price" /emoticons/wink.png:thumbsup:/emoticons/smile.png

Now six months later I have just over 200 regular customers and to be honest I think the majority of them have forgotten about the offer by the time the 3rd clean comes round and its a nice surprise for them when I remind them.

So Like I said the only regret ( but not a very big one :rolleyes:) now Im really busy I cant help but think " Gosh if only i'd known I could be earning twice as much on this 3rd clean" LOL /emoticons/wink.png

I admire the way you have thought of this "half price 3rd clean" as a way to market your business. I would certainly not 'regret' doing it. Who knows, it may end up to be the foundation of your business. Don't think that your customers have forgotten. If they have sooner or later they will remember. If you made the offer, then stick to your word - honesty goes a long, long way in our business.

In business we all need something a little extra that will set us apart from the other local lads. Maybe in the years to come you will be known as 3rd Clean Half Price Window Cleaners - maybe even have your fleet of vans sign written up that way.

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honesty goes a long, long way in our business.
In business we all need something a little extra that will set us apart from the other local lads. Maybe in the years to come you will be known as 3rd Clean Half Price Window Cleaners - maybe even have your fleet of vans sign written up that way.
im now thinking that theres possibly a niche market ,where you are hated [but still doing a 1st class job]
the Gary Glitter moniker got me thinking about it. i mean hes hated but his music is still great AND hes often in the news being talked about. not sure where window cleaning fits in, but im pretty sure it would rid you of messers very quickly if you presented a hateful Sneaky Pete ? image

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Not sure his music was great but it was catchy.

How could you get this sneaky Pete image without going full on hated. Another interesting concept.

I've been told several times of windies in other areas that are hated, seen as odd balls or dodgy, but they aren't dropped all the same. This image might mean people don't waste their time or piss them off

In starting again:

would practice a lot more prior to start. Start trad, master trad if possible first while employed (or unemployed)

Do windows only, not mind the gutter etc. yet

keep/get a few days a week job first.

Don't fear canvassing, it's just one house at a time and it's not a 'hated sell' like religion or charity mugging

A lot of startup guys seem to have succeeded with full kit and caboodle straight off though so horses for courses

Thanks to the forum I didn't fall into some big traps, like pricing low, giving up on canvassing, and buying the wrong tools

sneaky pete has to be tiptoed around ," paid properly or theres hell to pay"

thats EXACTLY the right image to have

few yrs ago now ,i knew a guy who let it be known that hed been in prison for GBH . Served a fairly long stretch - he never shouted about it, but spread the word quietly. NOBODY ever messed him about ,yet he looked very ordinary .

iv been thinking about Sneaky pete today while i worked , sneaky isnt the right word , nor is "stinky pete" - i know one of those ,hes to be avoided a real pong phooey

Fiery Pete might be the way to go.

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In starting again:
would practice a lot more prior to start. Start trad, master trad if possible first while employed (or unemployed)

Do windows only, not mind the gutter etc. yet

keep/get a few days a week job first.

Don't fear canvassing, it's just one house at a time and it's not a 'hated sell' like religion or charity mugging

A lot of startup guys seem to have succeeded with full kit and caboodle straight off though so horses for courses

Thanks to the forum I didn't fall into some big traps, like pricing low, giving up on canvassing, and buying the wrong tools
First time i ever cleaned a window was on school holidays when matesdad offered me a job

Said heres a squeegee and applicator

Use these ladders

This is how you use a squeegee

Off you go

Best way to learn i reckon as was up to speed within an hour

No need to practice imo

I doubt many would feel comfortable and competent enough to charge after one hour of first handling a new set of tools and concepts. Or maybe that's just me.

I didn't have much choice as I just had to keep up with him

First job was HSBC offices in london somewhere with tons of small windows

Like georgian but a bit bigger

Had to keep up or go home

Surprising what pressure can do

That pressure sounds good. Sometimes over thinking is a terrible thing. I dont like telling people my little experience, practice overcomes this as you can say you've done this and that rather than winging everything, if it comes up

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Tbh mate it's not rocket science and you can get enough info of us lot to blag a job

Once you start doing a particular job ie fascias etc it makes sense in your head once you start it

I would go back in time and tell myself the following:

Bigger van - transit sized

Don't leave ladder mitts out on ladder overnight - disappear come the morning

Canvass all streets, have a dirty list and go back in the evening/weekends if they're not in, leaflet through every door even if you think they defo have a window cleaner because you would be surprised.

If the road has a lot of clean windows you can only expect one successful canvas per hour. If its a goldmine they come in thick and fast and feels great - those roads can be just around the corner so probably not worth slogging the roads which are slow. Found this out a couple of months ago when I picked up £150 work in 2 hours and never looked back.

if you pull your hose round corners it stretches and then makes your pump not dead end correctly when the weathers warm.

Hoselock style fittings are all crap. Quick release fittings on your pole hose are crap,. Any thing that is designed to come apart easily means they do - every time they snag on a twig etc. Geka fittings are cheap, bomb proof and absolutely badass. toying with the idea of joining pole hose to microbore with just screw together hose tails for strength.

22 foot pole is not long enough for 3 storey houses nor a lot of normal semis if you have to reach over connys etc

go for an slx rather than a clx (still using the clx but regret being a tightwad when its the thing i use every bloody day!)

Train your customers to either pay cash there and then, leave in a safe place or pay with bank transfer/goCardless - collecting in the evening is a mugs game.

Pressure washing and gutters pulls in good money and means you can fill whole days when your starting out and dont have so many regular customers - I would defo offer it from the start again,

I'd have worked harder at school, but I didn't so here I am still cleaning windows after 30 years.

I urge all kids to work harder at school.


yeh me would love to go back to school now as would learn loads but at the time...

it was just all a laugh ...no change there then../emoticons/biggrin.png

now I regular attend googles and wiki school...:rofl:

actually ...before the doggie bit me today ...I wanted to post this...


because it was....a nice english summers day none of that foreign muck...

I'd have worked harder at school, but I didn't so here I am still cleaning windows after 30 years.I urge all kids to work harder at school.

I wouldn't have bothered with school

Have all these qualifications and have cleaned windows most of my life

I'm new anyway just few months in and going strong and loving it but I wish I had gone the van route straight away instead of trolley didn't realise how much water would need plus lugging the tubs in and of the car.

On the look out now for a good van

I would say, that for me the most important thing to set up a new round is regular custys, even low priced ones(but not too low).

I can't think of anything worse than trying to set up a round and someone asking for a quote and not getting it because you were £3 too much. I think window cleaners with established rounds probo earn about £20-30 an hour! but until your established I personally think £10-15 is reasonable. Also, it is a pain in the arse having to up your price at a later date but if you are a good windy then they won't mind too much.
