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what's your procedure for cleaning / am I doing too much or are others doing too little.


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Jay I personally think you are going way overboard in drying downstairs frames , Sills yes as on certain jobs their can be issues at certain times of the year .
I am thorough at every clean ensuring the tops are frames are brushed and rinsed along with top openers and vents doors are also wfp but not fully dried I wipe around the door frames door furniture and on certain doors were the water sits just incase a customer returns home they don't want water dripping inside their house .

And yes I have seen other windys jobs were only half the frames on a house have cleaned and by this I mean some of the frames are visibly dirty o_O
know what you mean about drying the frames..top ones always dry off ok by them self's and never see a problem when I return...I think doing the bottoms has just become a habit, one that I may try and break with any new ones I do to start with....one step at a time lol

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been using wfp's for about 13 years and still learning!

Always do top of frames as if you dont you run the risk of dirt running down, common sense really.

I don't intentionally clean the sides but the brush probably runs over them most of the time anyway.

As for sills, the flushing out the gap is a no no, far too much crap unless they're new windows, you can rinse all day and it still comes out.

i always run the brush over ground floor sills, clean sills are a must, but upstairs are not easily visable, I don't think most customers look at them much either!

My only problem is town houses where the large bay at the front 1st floor is the lounge and the sill is clearly visable to the customer, i always explain to the customer I can't see them and if they get grubby let me know and I'll bring my ladder round and clean them with a cloth.

It's all about communicating with the customer and being polite really.

I've lost 4 customers in 13 years, and they were wrong !!!!
