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Where The Best Place To Put The Tap On The Pole


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At the moment I the tap attached to the pole and this works fine but every now and then I get caught up in the loop. I was thinking about getting Aquadapter but then I got into a conversation on Facebook about the Autobrush, It been around a few years but the guy who makes them has improved the design in the last few months. Anyway in conversation he got me thinking about the safety issues, we seem to be quick to point out the dangers of ladders but shouldn't we take an inward look at water fed pole and some of the safety issues that can cause. Some of the reasons never really occurred to me before. I included it my latest blog


What are your thoughts on it,

Fascinating. I have an auto brush but doesn't work how you describe, you knock it on the underside of the sill to turn on, and the upper side to turn off, depending on window not always practical, often banged it on the soffit to turn on or spin it round and use the house wall! Guess its advanced a bit since mine!

I have a tap on my brush, a tap on the hose just by folding the soft aquarium hose anywhere along its length, a bypass tap on the pump and .... a remote control. I use all of them. Have had an autobrush but didnt like it, am waiting to see if theres a MK2. Also wasnt fussy on the Aquadaptor. Good luck !

Chip I think you must have one of the brushes that you can rinse off the glass, the first ones where when they came off the glass the water switched but this was about five years ago and I had forgotten they existed till I saw it on facebook

Don't read a lot of blogs but read all that 1 so good enough in my book bought aqudapters mk2 as sick of getting through water too quick with a 20ltr trolley broke the straight push fits on two aquas though just done away with all push fits on mk2s hope I get away with it

Always used to use a tap up to approx 2 years ago now i love my aqua-dapter i see autobrush of you tube but i have never used one so i can not comment

Inpact 43 had a autobrush on their course and ive always fort about it /emoticons/smile.png but tap is okay for me

Hi nearlyclean,

I've just left a comment on the blog post /emoticons/smile.png


Chip I think you must have one of the brushes that you can rinse off the glass, the first ones where when they came off the glass the water switched but this was about five years ago and I had forgotten they existed till I saw it on facebook
Perhaps. Got it about 4 years back. Can take it off and stick it on another if wanted. You can borrow it if you like, think it still works, has had some hammer

Is the auto brush, brush any good for cleaning? Can the mechanism be used on different brushes?

I have started using an aquadapter.. Enjoy not having to hold the tap in my fingers, giving me a free hand. Aquadapter hose is really bugging me tho, just so stiff and kinks and gets itself in crazy loops and knots.. I hope it flops out soon or I will have to change it.. But the aquadapter itself is brilliant invention.. I have a idea for aquadapter too but will need £100k for the idea...

I use the aquadapter hose and think it probably the best nice and light but strong. Every couple of weeks I twist the hose the other way. Think I will be getting a mk3l in the spring
