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Where to find a cart???


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I've been tradding for 2 yrs now and always had my ladders on my roof rack which was fine when my houses were far apart but now I have more customers, closer together, and I'd like to walk my round with my ladders and equipment on/in a cart. Can I find a cart online though? No way Pedro.

Anyone have any suggestions as to where I might find one? I'd rather not have to build one from scratch.

Cheers in advance.


Why not do away with ladders altogether & pole trad top windows instead


Wow, pretty sweet set-up. If it could accommodate a ladder too it would be immense. I use a short pole to give a bit of extra reach from the top of my ladder with windows above porches etc but don't like using poles because it doesn't allow you to sweep the frames, wash the frames, have as much accuracy when mopping/squeegeeing, you cant easily tidy/scrim the window edges and it's difficult to see any runs/streaks from the ground. Really do like what he's done with that trailer though.

Bc I bought my first set of ladders from a friend who had built a cart that shape in the early eighties and had used it right up until he retired a few years ago. All his work was within a boundary of only 2-3 mile from his house. He saved a fortune over the years not using a vehicle.
