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Evening chaps. As some of you know I’ve had a battery warning on my Grippa hot water system since it was installed. I’ve changed the batteries several times. Most recently last week two new ER500’s were put on. Given a good charge and have been plugged in on charge every night. I’ve connected by Bluetooth and checked the charger is working. The bat symbol popped up again this afternoon. We had two men on the van for the first time since the batteries were replaced.
Secondary issue has popped up, there is a random number flashing on the controller. Yesterday it was 5, today that became 4. It flashes every few seconds regardless if the system is on or off. I’ve spoken to Ian from Spring and ran through several different things. I think we have a faulty temp probe and the number thing might be linked.
So that’s where I’m at with it. At this point I have to assume there is a wiring fault. 4 sets of batteries can’t be faulty! Can anyone suggest someone who might be able to change the entire wiring system? I’m not going to expect someone to find the fault per se, I imagine they would just be happier replacing the whole lot. I wonder if the length of wires used or some dodgy connections along the way are to blame.
Secondary issue has popped up, there is a random number flashing on the controller. Yesterday it was 5, today that became 4. It flashes every few seconds regardless if the system is on or off. I’ve spoken to Ian from Spring and ran through several different things. I think we have a faulty temp probe and the number thing might be linked.
So that’s where I’m at with it. At this point I have to assume there is a wiring fault. 4 sets of batteries can’t be faulty! Can anyone suggest someone who might be able to change the entire wiring system? I’m not going to expect someone to find the fault per se, I imagine they would just be happier replacing the whole lot. I wonder if the length of wires used or some dodgy connections along the way are to blame.