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Which sized lesuire battery?


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The other thing about lithium @PC is that it charges at a faster rate than lead acid batteries do.
My leisure battery would only accept a charge of 4 or 5 amps when it was 90% charged. This lithium battery will accept a charge of 30 amps even when nearing fully charged.

A 100 amp lithium battery will accept a charge of 100 amps, but the battery won't last long if done continually. I doubt the van's alternator would last long either But it can be charged at 50 amps without issue, although the recommendation is 30 amps for my 100 amp battery. Hence the reason why I have set the b2b charger's output at 30 amps rather than the default setting of 60 amps.

Victron have released a 50 amp unit recently I understand. The Australians are raving about it. I haven't seen them advertised here but then I haven't been looking.
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Lithium ion has had a bad press of late. This has affected my thinking as well. So I'm treading cautiously with my dealings with this battery.

Lithium phosphate Lifepo4 is a much safer battery composition. But I believe I must err on the side of caution in these early days. @PC

Maybe I'm being too cautious, I don't know. I guess time will tell.

If anyone is worried about the safety aspect of lithium phosphate then I will always say to stick with what they have now.