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Rectus fittings


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Well-known member
West Yorkshire
I have the rectus fittings on my hose, are the brass connections better and last longer? my hose is the 6mm and pole hose is gardiners,

looking for better connections, I seem to have to change them every couple of months, 

I was thinking the same thing. Was thinking of swapping over to John guest fittings to try to replace rectus.

Fitting the main hose to the jg converter with jubilee clip to 1/2 push. Then 1/2 inch to 1/4 inch jg to the pole hose.

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I noticed on exceed website they sell a lubricant in a tub, anyone know what it is. At times I find my rectus fittings become stiff at times tried a little bit of grease but no good just wears off

Just ordered one of these Slick-Connects, I am sick of Rectus or the Rectus replicas popping off and getting caught.

Thanks for the heads up guys.

I noticed on exceed website they sell a lubricant in a tub, anyone know what it is. At times I find my rectus fittings become stiff at times tried a little bit of grease but no good just wears off

I'm sure Steve sells it to lub the Slick connectors as they can be a bit tight coupling them together and taking them apart. I would also worry about grit getting into the coupling and sticking to the grease, but I haven't got any yet so this is an imagined problem/issue.

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I'm sure Steve sells it to lub the Slick connectors as they can be a bit tight coupling them together and taking them apart. I would also worry about grit getting into the coupling and sticking to the grease, but I haven't got any yet so this is an imagined problem/issue.
Steve told me any lube will do. 

Just ordered one of these Slick-Connects, I am sick of Rectus or the Rectus replicas popping off and getting caught.
Thanks for the heads up guys.
I’ve had a Slick Connect on for a couple of months and find it better than Rectus. You don’t need the foam balls so it slides better on the ground and around walls as the shrouded part is tapered.
While the outside has got some wear, the plug inside is fine and water tight. I do disconnect between jobs.
Overall I think it’ll work out similar price wise once you factor in both parts of a rectus and foam balls.

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