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I have always found that going the gym has let me adapt to manual labouring jobs really well i.e. scaffolding, digging, demolition work ECT..
100%. And it makes the work safer as well as in the gym you learn how to handle and lift heavy weight. You understand the mechanics of certain type of movements.

Horses for courses, some folk are good for endurance and others are good for short bursts. Read somewhere that many small breaks is the best way to get work done, maybe its to do with programming the mind. When I have a big job on or many window clean jobs then I plan it out the night before.
Or just crack on all day.

Horses for courses, some folk are good for endurance and others are good for short bursts. Read somewhere that many small breaks is the best way to get work done, maybe its to do with programming the mind. When I have a big job on or many window clean jobs then I plan it out the night before.
A lot comes down to grit, determination and sheer heart. I've worked and I've kayaked with all sorts. Most of the real gritty, gutsy ones would not stand out in a crowd as looking like an athlete. Many of the impressive looking ones weren't worth a light.

Around 7 years ago now, I went into hospital with a very serious gallbladder attack. I spent the week in hospital with hepatitis and dangerous levels of bilirubin in my urine. 

They offered me two choices, change my diet and how much I eat, or have an operation. I chose changing my diet. For about a year i wasn't allowed any saturated fat at all. Also my portion sizes were far far too big. In hospital the dinners I was getting was no bigger than the size of my clenched up fist. The nutritionist said to me that as long as I don't exceed my portion sizes beyond this size eventually i would be able to start eating saturated fats again, and in fact by eating more than this size you are putting your digestive system under too much stress. Your stomach is just a bit bigger than a tennis ball. 

2 years later sticking to this, I haven't had any real issues at all with the gallbladder, I lost 2 stone and kept it off and I cant eat large portions anymore, i get full. However, we did notice that we were wasting so much food, buying packet stuff is not only expensive, the portion sizes are actually 2 or 3 times what they should be anyway, so as I wasn't eating as much it was being thrown away.

How many people throw away their food?

These days we throw away very little food, we make and freeze all our own meals, we buy lots of mince meat, chicken, and beef. We also buy primarily veg & fruit and very little packet food at all. 

For a family of four we can feed all of us for £200 per month with change, we do not waste money on food that is oversized and overcharged. 

My children haven't developed that processed food taste, they eat lots of veg and fruit, and it doesn't have to cost a fortune as long as you keep your portion sizes small. Companies are being pushed down this route to reduce their portion sizes because they are in fact too big to start with making everyone fat with processed overpriced garbage. 
Sorry to hear about your health issues.

But what i don't get these days is all this packet processed ? and apparent experts been made out to be like gods saying don't eat this ?

 I grew up at a time where me mother made proper meals and my wife is very much the same 20 years ago when we got married and moved in together we lasted about a month of buying processed food, she borrowed a cook book from her mam and dad and cracked on learning how to cook proper meals she will spend 1-2 hours some days cooking a meal from scratch,

We buy and are also very fortunate to be able grow and eat our own fresh veg also my wife will also forage in the countryside close too where we live, she will make, preserve and can (canning is an American thing for preserving foods) a fair few things from flowers, berries fruit and veg we have 10'so of  jars of stuff to see us through the winter months, granted I am extremely lucky to have a wife that is so invested in researching, harvesting, prepping and cooking what she can.

? we sound proper old fashioned ? 

I still use my bodum cafetiere everyday, 
Nowt wrong with a cafetiere mate they have done there job for years, until the recent years with consumerism and now people think paying £100's for a coffee machine gives them the best coffee and don't get me started on people who drink milky coffee, milk in decent coffee ?

I still use my bodum cafetiere everyday, 

Nowt wrong with a cafetiere mate they have done there job for years, until the recent years with consumerism and now people think paying £100's for a coffee machine gives them the best coffee and don't get me started on people who drink milky coffee, milk in decent coffee ?
Which coffee do you order please Iron? I use a tassimo machine but would love some better coffee

Which coffee do you order please Iron? I use a tassimo machine but would love some better coffee
https://www.pactcoffee.com it's pricey compared to shop bought but it's a whole load better and great deal more ethical than the big brands also shop bought ground coffee can be sat in warehouse for up to 12 months or more after being roasted and ground thus becoming stale. 

Nowt wrong with a cafetiere mate they have done there job for years, until the recent years with consumerism and now people think paying £100's for a coffee machine gives them the best coffee and don't get me started on people who drink milky coffee, milk in decent coffee ?
Just like putting mixers in decent scotch.?

Nowt wrong with a cafetiere mate they have done there job for years, until the recent years with consumerism and now people think paying £100's for a coffee machine gives them the best coffee and don't get me started on people who drink milky coffee, milk in decent coffee ?
Stovetop espresso + drop of warmed up milk =mmmmmmmm ?

Summed it up in one, always thought coffee was a woman's drink ?
Its daft nowdays, you get these people walking about with certain companys coffee cartons thinking its hip, ' Two cups of chino please' er, sorry sir, cappuccino? 'Yes, two cups of chino, are you deaf?'

very overpriced stuff, and doesn't even give a buzz, unlike a nice beer or so ?

Its daft nowdays, you get these people walking about with certain companys coffee cartons thinking its hip, ' Two cups of chino please' er, sorry sir, cappuccino? 'Yes, two cups of chino, are you deaf?'

very overpriced stuff, and doesn't even give a buzz, unlike a nice beer or so ?
Anyone that pays more for a cup of coffee, that is smaller than a shot glass, then a pint of beer has my sincere condolences as they obviously have mental health issues ?

Used to buy the new Morrison's big bags for 35p when they first came out then they shot up to 60p. Bought one this morning and it is now 75p but I still think they are worth the money. This morning I realised how a two man system can be a worthwhile purchase for a one man band. Rolled out all the hose to do a second floor flat and no pure would flow as I thought I had an airlock. Tried my other reel and it was working fine so I ended up using that to clean the windows. After I was finished I had all the stress trying to detach my hoseless coupling from my 35 foot pole and have now decided to dismantle the hoseless fitting and leave a small tail hanging from it. 

Used to buy the new Morrison's big bags for 35p when they first came out then they shot up to 60p. Bought one this morning and it is now 75p but I still think they are worth the money. This morning I realised how a two man system can be a worthwhile purchase for a one man band. Rolled out all the hose to do a second floor flat and no pure would flow as I thought I had an airlock. Tried my other reel and it was working fine so I ended up using that to clean the windows. After I was finished I had all the stress trying to detach my hoseless coupling from my 35 foot pole and have now decided to dismantle the hoseless fitting and leave a small tail hanging from it. 
Most of that has nothing  to do with this thread as usual ?

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The amount of toxic folk are going up now. Since I made a pledge not to get involved with them my business is going up and a new bigger van is my next target. Never have I done so well financially since I joined this forum and gained so much knowledge. Thanks everyone, off to quote for a few more jobs and even my wheelie bin cleaning service is getting bigger. ?

Mostly I drink Yorkshire Tea or PG Tips. Both from bags.

I do like the occasional cup of Dow Egberts Gold, or Nescaffe. Both instant coffees out of a jar.

I'm far too common and unsophisticated for this forum. Humble apologies. Should I get my coat now???
You're fine unless you put your milk in before removing the tea bag ?

The amount of toxic folk are going up now. Since I made a pledge not to get involved with them my business is going up and a new bigger van is my next target. Never have I done so well financially since I joined this forum and gained so much knowledge. Thanks everyone, off to quote for a few more jobs and even my wheelie bin cleaning service is getting bigger. ?
No one is being toxic. Just stating a fact that every time you post you have to turn the subject around to you. ‘Oh I have two nozzles now’, oh I’m so busy’ blah blah. Please realise this isn’t Instagram.

I’m not off to do quotes now, I’m off to the pub to meet my mates as I have a life ??‍?
