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Filters for ro


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Just got new filters

3 pre filters
4 300gpd membranes


From Virotech

Does this sound weight or have I been shafted ?
@tench0771 that’s good, presume that’s boosted. What’s your rejection rate after RO.

Downside to that system is 4 membranes which will be costly for you.

A 4021 membrane will give the same output but you’ll be paying for 1 membrane from £200 to £400.
Can I add the 4021 to that system get rid of the 4 filters Doug? Yes it’s boosted I’ll have to do that tomorrow as tank full now c?
I also have 3 different filters on front all 20” most systems have just 2 with your 4021 filter will I still need all 3 pre filters?IMG_0743.jpegIMG_0742.jpegIMG_0741.jpeg
@tench0771 . You really don’t need an activated carbon filter as that is more to do with taste in drinking water. You could add another carbon or sediment in its place.

I would presume the use 3/8” hose so that would be suitable to attach to the 4021 however 1/2” is better.
Hiya Doug apologies for more questions I’ve been looking at your systems and was wandering with my tap pressure and flow how many letters would these produce per hour with out booster pump?IMG_0749.pngIMG_0748.png

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