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2 man setup issue


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Matt B 23

New member
So I have just set up a new 2 man system in my van but the flow to one of the reels is erratic to say the least. Both reels have their own pump and battery etc. The distance from the splitter to the “erratic “ hose reel is slightly longer (maybe 30 inches) . Is that enough to make issue with the flow rate? Both reels work fine at the start of the day but after 20 minutes or so the flow tails off on the “erratic “ reel. Cheers folks
How are the outlets from the tank configured is it two or one and if it’s one how is it have you got any pictures?
Where I read splitter I’m imagining one tank outlet supplying both pumps. I tried this years back. Absolute nightmare, water just takes the route of least resistance. All said and done I shouldn’t have been fannying around with diy set ups back that, should have gone straight for the professional set up instead.
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So I have just set up a new 2 man system in my van but the flow to one of the reels is erratic to say the least. Both reels have their own pump and battery etc. The distance from the splitter to the “erratic “ hose reel is slightly longer (maybe 30 inches) . Is that enough to make issue with the flow rate? Both reels work fine at the start of the day but after 20 minutes or so the flow tails off on the “erratic “ reel. Cheers folks
If they have separate batteries, then I would focus my attention on the battery that drives the pump in question as it could be a power supply issue.

It could be that the battery isn't fully charged, has lost capacity or a faulty cable connection which could also be in the fuse holder. It could also be a bad pressure switch in the pump head.

But then you don't say how long you have been using the system or how old the battery is. You also don't say what controller you are using, if any.

I have a 2 man system. Each hose reel has it's own pump which is fed via a 1/2" hose. Each pump supply is split off this hose via a single 1/2" bath spliced into this hose.

I have uploaded a photo of my original van setup from some 10 years ago. I'll see if I can find it.


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