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That’s my only worry. The decision to get a van and a WFP already installed and parting with money OR to just get a trolley system to get myself going. Like @irongiant says. Rather than parting with 2/3k.@p4dstar I’m going to speak to a window cleaner this week and see if we will take me out with him for a day or 2. I’m buzzing for this.. just want to do the right thing.

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That’s my only worry. The decision to get a van and a WFP already installed and parting with money OR to just get a trolley system to get myself going. Like @irongiant says. Rather than parting with 2/3k.@p4dstar I’m going to speak to a window cleaner this week and see if we will take me out with him for a day or 2. I’m buzzing for this.. just want to do the right thing.
Unless you know them they are extremely unlikely to take you up on the offer mate, partly because you will slow him down, partly because you are a risk (poor quality work, steal his customers etc) but mainly because you will become the competition... There may be someone on here that could offer you the gig but if not then try a windy from another town. I would offer you to go out with me but I ain't been going that long so i'm not full and i'm miles away (Plus i'm still learning of course)
