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Black seals around Windows?


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While doing windows traditionally the black seals cause black runs down the frames. Is this a problem with wfp?

It's just dirty and needs to be cleaned thoroughly, both for wfp and trad. Though with trad you often can get away with drying the seal off instead.

While doing windows traditionally the black seals cause black runs down the frames. Is this a problem with wfp?

Yes it will still bleed its beacause the seal is perished sometimes  wfp will will make it worse , there isn’t an easy fix if you give it a good scrub with virosol or similar it will help remove the perished surface of the rubber but to remove the staining from the frames would need doing with a sponge and rub out or similar but it will come back again only solution is to replace the seals which is quite an expense and most won’t want to pay what it would cost 

I have a couple of jobs (all wfp) where I go as close up to the black seal as possible without touching it. Because if I get it wet then it drips down 2/5/10 minutes later and always leaves streaks. Once a year I bite the bullet & do the top frame and seal and just have to spend a lot more time on that job. 


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