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commercial gutters


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yeh rags...why didnt I think of rags....

of course a gutter vac would be better but now I now what to do with the wifes clothes..:rofl:

I have to agree with green just be diplomatic and forget it..but I can see your anger boar..emptying gutters especially badly erected ones is a :turd: job.

and any future gutter jobs I quote...I will take my spirit level with me:rofl:

its not self destruction, if im wronged i usually at least try and make the offender upset n cry if possible .
I am not looking to start a long winded drawn out debate with you but how the f**k were you wronged?

So what if your lads had to do a hard days work? That's what you pay them for!

And as for being wronged, how about the poor customer that only had PART of the job done that she has been asked to pay for? Has she not been wronged?

It matters not a stuff how hard your lads worked, you quoted for a job, you accepted the job, you DID NOT complete the job, and now you think you were the one that was wronged?

Mate, if you came near a premises of mine with that attitude you wouldn't see a single penny from me. Like most people, If I'm paying for a job to be done I expect it to be done.

The thing is though green, they did the job, and it's not there fault that the gutter has an issue, so this is a tricky one, I think boar is entitled to not go back and soak up the water seen as that wasn't what he was there to do, the gutters should take care of the water, Boar and his lads were there to get rid of moss and dirt...

and any future gutter jobs I quote...I will take my spirit level with me:rofl:
I have some marbles in my scrim pocket believe it or not cause as you know not all are visibly off to the naked eye, once cleaned out I drop a marble if I am suspicious about an angle and I get my answer. /emoticons/smile.png

, I think boar is entitled to not go back and soak up the water seen as that wasn't what he was there to do,
Sorry Jake but you are delusional on this one, if you agree to clear the gutters then you SHOULD clear the gutters, I will bet my right HAND that Boars did not agree to only remove dirt and debris and leave any standing water!

He took a job to EMPTY THE GUTTERS - and to me that would be regardless of whats in them.

I have some marbles in my scrim pocket believe it or not cause as you know not all are visibly off to the naked eye, once cleaned out I drop a marble if I am suspicious about an angle and I get my answer. /emoticons/smile.png
be honest youv never done that

Gutter vac would have sucked the water out, then dump it down the drain...

I had one woman complain cause I left a smattering of dirt in the gutter, if you gathered all the bits I left around the whole house it wouldn't fill an egg cup, but was visible in the White gutter.

Problem with any 'action' taken against a firm like this, it won't worry the woman with the purse strings. I would definitely look to negotiate calmly

Another thought. Get a cheap pump and garden hose, just pump the water out and get your money BC, get the regular work to pump it out then /emoticons/smile.png send the woman flowers rather than a bullet /emoticons/wink.png

most gutters guys put the gutters up dead level which in fact aint a gd thing u shud have the smallest angle on them but when u go up see people putting them up with nails screws etc

u no there is problem

Green im not delusional.

When I quote to clean out gutters I don't quote to suck out standing water, I quote to remove debris, dirt and moss etc.

It isn't the problem of boarcity to fix the gutter level, rather, it is his job to unblock and clear the debris,

Standing water is from the rain, and the gutter should be designed to allow the water to run into the downpipe.

If I get my car washed by the polish at home base, I expect them to clean my car, I don't then expect them to fix the smearing windscreen wipers. Get the point?

As long as the dirt was taken out, then the water is not boars problem, it's a fault with the gutter system. If he were to suck out all the water, as soon as it rained it'd be there again!

I appreciate your point, but we all differ in expectations, and I wouldnt expect to clear the water out, as that's not what I personally quote for, the water is the job of the gutter system itself.

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Good point there, but if they want the water removed periodically it could be a version of gutter clear they are willing to pay for (in addition to solid material)

It all depends what you quoted for boar

If you quoted to clear the dirt out and have then you are not at fault

When i was roofing i didnt repoint someones chimney if they were paying me to change a broken tile

F*&^ Me you are all being so pedantic.

This is my point -- NON OF US quote to 'clear out dirt and debris only and exclude any standing water left in the gutter caused by poor installation'

We get asked for a price to 'clear out the gutters' which to me means (and to you all when you stop being so pedantic) to clear out anything in the gutters regardless of what it is.

Boars did not complete the task for which he was contracted - Fact, his own words, 90% so why should she pay?

We have all fallen for those jobs Boars, looks like a piece of pi$$ so we give a fair price then oh $hit, not so simple after all and we waste an entire day on the job and end up not even breaking even, every one of us here has had jobs like that I am sure, all part of the curve, but if the job aint finished why the f*"k should the customer pay?

Perhaps it's just me, perhaps I'm the only one that reckons I should do what I say I will do and nothing less, guess I have been representing window cleaners all wrong all these years, I should do a better job by doing a half ar$ed job.

Why do you swear so much green? Are you an angry man at the moment?!

Anyway, we all have different views, I personally wouldn't get the water out, because there's no point, the gutter is designed to remove water, but that's just me.

Moving on ...

fcuking go up there and pour big jar of gelatine in to it /emoticons/tongue.png they will have jelly muck in no time /emoticons/biggrin.png thats how u take the water out lol

What one person would do personally has no bearing on what anyone else does so why the need for the tirade of abuse

You have stated which side of the fence you all sit on so why not wrap it up

Seems everyone just wants to be hostile lately

I thought the point of the post was for advice not to be slated for having a different opinion of what this particular job entailed

i started the thread hopin to find lads who had done a few of that type of job, to find out whats the what

because im pretty sure that a lot of these big commercial gutters are fitted with little or no slope- thus left with standing water in them. i reckon that a standard clean out of this sort of gutter is a basic shovel out and no more.

course i might be wrong


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