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Cost of living going up?


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Went down the local ASDA tuffee aisle yesterday looking for a treat...and lots of what was £1 are now £1.25 to £2 pounds. Price increses of 25% to 100%. That aint inline with inflation.
It may not be inline with gov figures but it is more typical of price rises in shops. Also there are fewer 'deal' prices as well. 

Went down the local ASDA tuffee aisle yesterday looking for a treat...and lots of what was £1 are now £1.25 to £2 pounds. Price increses of 25% to 100%. That aint inline with inflation.
I was in Asda yesterday and a security guard spotted me nicking a leg of lamb.

He shouted out “oi, what you doing with that!”

I said “roast potatoes, peas and gravy” ?

You can keep the bodybuilding. 

I believe in strength training. 

Would rather look like eddie hall and have functional strength than the bodybuilding physique but no stamina.

I train for strength in the gym.

Some of the time just doing 3 rep max .

Milk still £1,09 for 4 litres and Amazon does a big biscuit box for £11.99 for 71 bars. I'm on prime and getting most of my stuff from Amazon now but no room to store stuff now. Bought biggest Stihl chainsaw last month and its ready for me to collect, just waiting for some tree jobs to come in? ?

Around 7 years ago now, I went into hospital with a very serious gallbladder attack. I spent the week in hospital with hepatitis and dangerous levels of bilirubin in my urine. 

They offered me two choices, change my diet and how much I eat, or have an operation. I chose changing my diet. For about a year i wasn't allowed any saturated fat at all. Also my portion sizes were far far too big. In hospital the dinners I was getting was no bigger than the size of my clenched up fist. The nutritionist said to me that as long as I don't exceed my portion sizes beyond this size eventually i would be able to start eating saturated fats again, and in fact by eating more than this size you are putting your digestive system under too much stress. Your stomach is just a bit bigger than a tennis ball. 

2 years later sticking to this, I haven't had any real issues at all with the gallbladder, I lost 2 stone and kept it off and I cant eat large portions anymore, i get full. However, we did notice that we were wasting so much food, buying packet stuff is not only expensive, the portion sizes are actually 2 or 3 times what they should be anyway, so as I wasn't eating as much it was being thrown away.

How many people throw away their food?

These days we throw away very little food, we make and freeze all our own meals, we buy lots of mince meat, chicken, and beef. We also buy primarily veg & fruit and very little packet food at all. 

For a family of four we can feed all of us for £200 per month with change, we do not waste money on food that is oversized and overcharged. 

My children haven't developed that processed food taste, they eat lots of veg and fruit, and it doesn't have to cost a fortune as long as you keep your portion sizes small. Companies are being pushed down this route to reduce their portion sizes because they are in fact too big to start with making everyone fat with processed overpriced garbage. 

Around 7 years ago now, I went into hospital with a very serious gallbladder attack. I spent the week in hospital with hepatitis and dangerous levels of bilirubin in my urine. 

They offered me two choices, change my diet and how much I eat, or have an operation. I chose changing my diet. For about a year i wasn't allowed any saturated fat at all. Also my portion sizes were far far too big. In hospital the dinners I was getting was no bigger than the size of my clenched up fist. The nutritionist said to me that as long as I don't exceed my portion sizes beyond this size eventually i would be able to start eating saturated fats again, and in fact by eating more than this size you are putting your digestive system under too much stress. Your stomach is just a bit bigger than a tennis ball. 

2 years later sticking to this, I haven't had any real issues at all with the gallbladder, I lost 2 stone and kept it off and I cant eat large portions anymore, i get full. However, we did notice that we were wasting so much food, buying packet stuff is not only expensive, the portion sizes are actually 2 or 3 times what they should be anyway, so as I wasn't eating as much it was being thrown away.

How many people throw away their food?

These days we throw away very little food, we make and freeze all our own meals, we buy lots of mince meat, chicken, and beef. We also buy primarily veg & fruit and very little packet food at all. 

For a family of four we can feed all of us for £200 per month with change, we do not waste money on food that is oversized and overcharged. 

My children haven't developed that processed food taste, they eat lots of veg and fruit, and it doesn't have to cost a fortune as long as you keep your portion sizes small. Companies are being pushed down this route to reduce their portion sizes because they are in fact too big to start with making everyone fat with processed overpriced garbage. 
Your stomach is made to stretch when you eat food. I’m not sure what portion sizes you’re referring to but the one’s for two people I find are barely big enough for me. 

I’m glad you sorted out your diet and had such positive effects from it. It’s a real boon when you see just how much, and what changes when you tinker with your diet. 

Around 7 years ago now, I went into hospital with a very serious gallbladder attack. I spent the week in hospital with hepatitis and dangerous levels of bilirubin in my urine. 

They offered me two choices, change my diet and how much I eat, or have an operation. I chose changing my diet. For about a year i wasn't allowed any saturated fat at all. Also my portion sizes were far far too big. In hospital the dinners I was getting was no bigger than the size of my clenched up fist. The nutritionist said to me that as long as I don't exceed my portion sizes beyond this size eventually i would be able to start eating saturated fats again, and in fact by eating more than this size you are putting your digestive system under too much stress. Your stomach is just a bit bigger than a tennis ball. 

2 years later sticking to this, I haven't had any real issues at all with the gallbladder, I lost 2 stone and kept it off and I cant eat large portions anymore, i get full. However, we did notice that we were wasting so much food, buying packet stuff is not only expensive, the portion sizes are actually 2 or 3 times what they should be anyway, so as I wasn't eating as much it was being thrown away.

How many people throw away their food?

These days we throw away very little food, we make and freeze all our own meals, we buy lots of mince meat, chicken, and beef. We also buy primarily veg & fruit and very little packet food at all. 

For a family of four we can feed all of us for £200 per month with change, we do not waste money on food that is oversized and overcharged. 

My children haven't developed that processed food taste, they eat lots of veg and fruit, and it doesn't have to cost a fortune as long as you keep your portion sizes small. Companies are being pushed down this route to reduce their portion sizes because they are in fact too big to start with making everyone fat with processed overpriced garbage. 
I also have small portions, I find it helps with my 15 meals a day plan ?

.......a mixture of both is best.....if you lift very heavy and low reps all the time you ll end up with an injury...and by the way you build endurance in your muscles with MORE REPS not less....
You can do it with a de-load week every 6th week. At one point in time I used to train with a British junior power lifting champion and he did the same approach, that’s supposedly same as the guys at west side barbell, which was 1 rep at one weight, then jump up 20kg, do it again. If we were doing squats he’d maybe do 6-8 reps in total.

Its horses for courses. Everyone’s different, everyone has different lifestyles, diets, ambitions. 

The thing is most  power lifters dont look good.....some of the guys in my local gym lift a lot more weight than me but look as if they hardly lift weights at all....I'm vain....I want strength,health AND muscle.....?

The thing is most  power lifters dont look good.....some of the guys in my local gym lift a lot more weight than me but look as if they hardly lift weights at all....I'm vain....I want strength,health AND muscle.....?
Used to be a bodybuilder myself, once in the early 2000's, then around 2010-2013 and I had come back 2016 after a long hiatus. I was in the middle of a contest prep (first of my life, close to 40 ? ) in March when the lockdown hit the country and they closed all the gyms. I haven't been near a gym since and not planning to return until life goes back to normal (if it ever will...). I am 100% or nothing and now it's the nothing mode on.

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Ime amazed at certain people that claim they do all this stuff in the gym and have the physique of Arni and they can only work 5 hours a day and are exhausted , Ime over weight dont ever go to a gym work 8 hours on the glass 5 days a week and going on nearly 100 shouts a month and pass a Fireservice fitness test annually and Ime 58 . Just goes to show all this fitness regimen is a waist of time and money .

Ime amazed at certain people that claim they do all this stuff in the gym and have the physique of Arni and they can only work 5 hours a day and are exhausted , Ime over weight dont ever go to a gym work 8 hours on the glass 5 days a week and going on nearly 100 shouts a month and pass a Fireservice fitness test annually and Ime 58 . Just goes to show all this fitness regimen is a waist of time and money .
Dunno about others, but I can work 12 hours a day without putting my **** down for a break. I had always been a workhorse everywhere to an extent that I had been abused physically me trying to give 200% for recognition that I had never really got eventually. But yeah, I remember those days working in a cheese factory in a 4 on 4 off rota, 12 hours a day with 5-10 min break, then instead of resting in the 4 days off, I smashed myself in the gym everyday. Not for the fainthearted.

I do agree that many gym-goers are ******* when it comes to nosebleeding hard work. It’s not the matter of fitness but just being out there since childhood and getting used to the graft instead of playing games in front of the telly etc.

I worked and lived in a yurt in Mongolia in the -35, been out on the field in plus 45 harvesting or being out in rain and snow with the cows... I could tell stories to some of the kiddos.

But anyway, staying in the lane, I agree that the prices went up in sneaky way. I asked my wife whether she noticed it and she says yes. We always look at the prices before putting the stuff in the basket and we only really buy that we would eat with a minimum waste and we don't eat much or expensive food but it's become ridiculously hard to keep the bill within the limits that we had earlier.

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Horses for courses, some folk are good for endurance and others are good for short bursts. Read somewhere that many small breaks is the best way to get work done, maybe its to do with programming the mind. When I have a big job on or many window clean jobs then I plan it out the night before.

The type of gym goer has changed over the years...

Back when I started everyone wanted to lift heavy (blood and guts style training like D Yates), these days they lift light to get wash board abs..

Some of the lads I trained with would be on a building site all day then come in and lift heavy for an hour half five days a week.

I am glad I bought all my own equipment years ago so I don't have to go to a gym anymore because the last time I was at a gym surrounded by fitness types and birds I just thought what am I doing here...

Going the gym and training properly you cannot compare strength levels you get to people that don't go to a gym. I have always found that going the gym has let me adapt to manual labouring jobs really well i.e. scaffolding, digging, demolition work ECT..

Ime amazed at certain people that claim they do all this stuff in the gym and have the physique of Arni and they can only work 5 hours a day and are exhausted , Ime over weight dont ever go to a gym work 8 hours on the glass 5 days a week and going on nearly 100 shouts a month and pass a Fireservice fitness test annually and Ime 58 . Just goes to show all this fitness regimen is a waist of time and money .
Depends on what you’re doing. I don’t know if you watch Netflix but they’ve got a few programmes on there following the top CrossFit athletes and watching them makes me feel sick. They’re the elites of the elite.
I’ve been tempted to try it a few times as we have a place in Swindon but I’m the type to get addicted and already do a fair bit. At least I did until the corona virus put a stop to most of it ?


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