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@abs I know you're not knocking it mate, but I'm seeing too many threads where tradders are tiptoeing about and being respectful, only to have a WFPer come out with a statement like the one I quoted. Pretty disrespectful IMO on a forum with trad and WFP cleaners. (FWIW I'm not talking about the regulars).
As for the science, I personally don't believe a whole lot of it, but if WFPers want to give it to the customers by all means do so. But when it gets used to form the basis of an argument on here its just embarassing. I'm talking the usual...repels dirt, soap degrades rubber, and all the other **** I hear on this forum. Its all flawed. Even the "it stays cleaner for longer" comments. Cleaner then what? Cleaner then when you used to clean them trad?Or cleaner then other trad cleaners you've seen? We all know its down to the operator, so why does this only ever apply to WFP?


@abs I know you're not knocking it mate, but I'm seeing too many threads where tradders are tiptoeing about and being respectful, only to have a WFPer come out with a statement like the one I quoted. Pretty disrespectful IMO on a forum with trad and WFP cleaners. (FWIW I'm not talking about the regulars).
As for the science, I personally don't believe a whole lot of it, but if WFPers want to give it to the customers by all means do so. But when it gets used to form the basis of an argument on here its just embarassing. I'm talking the usual...repels dirt, soap degrades rubber, and all the other **** I hear on this forum. Its all flawed. Even the "it stays cleaner for longer" comments. Cleaner then what? Cleaner then when you used to clean them trad?Or cleaner then other trad cleaners you've seen? We all know its down to the operator, so why does this only ever apply to WFP?
They is 100's of people on here all with different techniques and there own way of doing things some think there correct others like me don't give a dam as I'm a complete window cleaner I'm at home easy up a ladder in a cradle or abseiling 400 ft down a office block as well as wfp and folks comments don't bother me and if they did I wouldn't be on a public forum , can't change people's attitudes so pointless even trying

Think the problem comes in nowadays with the no skill factor to window cleaning now ,15- 20 years ago you learned to use a squeegee and your scrims ( no microfiber bollox back then ) so many redundant folk buy a van and start shaking a brush at a window because there isn't any skill involved, these guys havnt had a aching arm from holding a big thick shamy leather so they have no respect for traditional cleaning , trad is the skilled window cleaner wfp (sorry but I wfp now myself) isn't skillfull our windows may be cleaner longer or not who cared but trad proper trad gets my respect everytime

Alpha wrote this

if any mistakes overlooks or complications aren't brought to the cleaners attention once windows are dry how do they know the problem exists. Usually it's a dodgy rubber, seal or bleeding varnished facia above the window that causes issues.

I have no issue with wfp but a trad cleaner would have noticed as he is face to the glass

also it is dry instantly

A method where you can't 100% see what you are missing is not better than a method where you can see every little mark

No method is best only I am brilliant

I personally enjoy trad more and use it when I can but also its very handy to have the wfp for the hard to get windows over the conny roofs, or were the ground isn't great for the ladder and the high windows that the ladders won't reach. I wouldn't argue to say one is better than the other I think its more down to if its done correctly and which one a person prefers.

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I simply say.

"if a sparky or builder did u a crap job would u assume every sparky or bricky would do the same?"

They usually answer "course not"

I say "it's the same with this method, it's only good if the person holding the pole does a good job"

Then if they still aren't convinced I say "just give it 2 chances to prove itself, if after that you're not happy u can cancel"

99% later admit u were right, the other 1% say nothing cos they didn't like being proven wrong.

I had 1 smug **** sayid "Yea ok pal, u keep doin em, we'll see how well they dry when it's hot and it dries quick"

3yrs later and I haven't spoke to him since, the cocky pr*ck sends his wife to the door to pay me.


I think the public think WFP is a magic wand and when it's not done right they blame all WFP'ers simple as that. It does peeve me that you see new vans with spaceship enterprise systems in them and the bloke can't even mop and blade or carry a set of ladders.

I was cleaning yesterday and this bloke was delivering leaflets. He said 'don't worry mate I'm a gardener', anyway he tells me about his window cleaner who uses WFP. The cleaner always missed a window that was unreachable with the pole above a garage on a flat roof. The cleaners excuse for missing the window was 'I'm scared of heights' :rofl:

Well at least he is an honest wfp window cleaner also a very smart one as who wants to start clambering about on ladders/roofs if you can get away with it /emoticons/biggrin.png

I think the public think WFP is a magic wand and when it's not done right they blame all WFP'ers simple as that. It does peeve me that you see new vans with spaceship enterprise systems in them and the bloke can't even mop and blade or carry a set of ladders.
I was cleaning yesterday and this bloke was delivering leaflets. He said 'don't worry mate I'm a gardener', anyway he tells me about his window cleaner who uses WFP. The cleaner always missed a window that was unreachable with the pole above a garage on a flat roof. The cleaners excuse for missing the window was 'I'm scared of heights' :rofl:
Well at least he is an honest wfp window cleaner also a very smart one as who wants to start clambering about on ladders/roofs if you can get away with it /emoticons/biggrin.png
Yeah very smart, he got the boot /emoticons/biggrin.png

Think the problem comes in nowadays with the no skill factor to window cleaning now ,15- 20 years ago you learned to use a squeegee and your scrims ( no microfiber ****** back then ) so many redundant folk buy a van and start shaking a brush at a window because there isn't any skill involved, these guys havnt had a aching arm from holding a big thick shamy leather so they have no respect for traditional cleaning , trad is the skilled window cleaner wfp (sorry but I wfp now myself) isn't skillfull our windows may be cleaner longer or not who cared but trad proper trad gets my respect everytime
I think and there is a certain amount of skill in wfp. You gotta get in the corners. Rinsing is important. The very top of the fame gets dirty & can run down & mix with the pure on the window. Making sure the water don't go through the vents. There is a bit of skill involved.

What a load of cr@p that was. The bloke washes the window and lets the

whole thing dry. He then washes the trad side, and before its had any time to dry he blows a months worth of ***** onto it. What a joke. Either way a promo video for a WFP company is not exactly an unbiased source of info.

I think and there is a certain amount of skill in wfp. You gotta get in the corners. Rinsing is important. The very top of the fame gets dirty & can run down & mix with the pure on the window. Making sure the water don't go through the vents. There is a bit of skill involved.
One way to look at is !

When blading glass over the years the amount of people who have stood and watched and said"that's a skill that is "

Is in the 100's now wfp been doing it years and not one person has ever said anything like that ever .

And he sounds stoned.
Nothing wrong with that lol

Seriously though it seems some wfp guys are determined to badmouth trad to get work when they should get work based on the quality of their own work not their method

All my custys know if there is a problem just ring and i will sort it

You wanna know how many calls I've had since i started again...none

Because i work to a certain standard and would do the same if i was wfp and i don't badmouth wfp guys when i get a new custy not happy with their old guy

I just say HE was not a good cleaner not wfp

Same as wfp guys should do with us bearing in mind all cleaners who have been around long enough were trad once and relied on that for their income

Its fair to say that you often get new customers who 'complain' about the last window cleaner they had.

'He never turned up'

'He peed on my lawn'

'He missed the corners'

'He covered the place in water' etc etc

People like to moan. I'm always a little weary if they do this when I visit to quote. I prefer wfp. I have only lost one customer due to using it, so I will continue to do so. I can trad and because I do it infrequently, I really enjoy those odd jobs. I clean a lot of large country houses and often have to clean the insides. Not only does this mean using trad tools but it means I get to check the standard of my wfp work.

I love trad daveyboy. In my opinion I think overall it does a better job. That's not to say I don't think wfp doesn't. I think it does. I just think trad is better. My opinion. Like you I would not slag off wfp as I have respect for all window cleaners whatever method they use as at the end of the day we're all in the same boat.

What it comes down to on the forum is that we are all window cleaners here. Respect is given to WFPers, and tradders should be able to expect the same back. If you want to spread propaganda to make your system look good then don't spout unfounded boiiox about soap degrading window rubber and all the other cr@p I have heard on here. This thread has shown just how flawed the arguments are.

