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I turned the work down simply because like people have said she can't dictate how they would like them cleaned unless they are a custy worth keeping. She may have had a windy that made a crap job but the amount of moaning she did before I cleaned her windows made me think she would be hard work in the future so I said I will leave it thanks.

I turned the work down simply because like people have said she can't dictate how they would like them cleaned unless they are a custy worth keeping. She may have had a windy that made a **** job but the amount of moaning she did before I cleaned her windows made me think she would be hard work in the future so I said I will leave it thanks.
Good for you , it's a lovely feeling knowing you don't have to deal with moaners again

So do I.

No they don't.

Not really.

Glass stays cleaner for longer, you would have to be blind to not see this
Wow someone's in denial. Of course they do.

I can go back in six weeks and the windows still look a lot cleaner than when I used to clean with a squeegee and that was after 4 weeks.

@abs I know you're not knocking it mate, but I'm seeing too many threads where tradders are tiptoeing about and being respectful, only to have a WFPer come out with a statement like the one I quoted. Pretty disrespectful IMO on a forum with trad and WFP cleaners. (FWIW I'm not talking about the regulars).

As for the science, I personally don't believe a whole lot of it, but if WFPers want to give it to the customers by all means do so. But when it gets used to form the basis of an argument on here its just embarassing. I'm talking the usual...repels dirt, soap degrades rubber, and all the other crap I hear on this forum. Its all flawed. Even the "it stays cleaner for longer" comments. Cleaner then what? Cleaner then when you used to clean them trad?Or cleaner then other trad cleaners you've seen? We all know its down to the operator, so why does this only ever apply to WFP?

Wow someone's in denial. Of course they do.I can go back in six weeks and the windows still look a lot cleaner than when I used to clean with a squeegee and that was after 4 weeks.
Denial. lol

You're still using subjective views. How do you know that it just wasnt your trad skills that werent up to scratch? Personally when my round is running on time and I go back after 4 weeks, the windows are almost immaculate on most places- and thats with my face up to the glass., not two floors down on the end of a pole.

If the cunty think that they are getting more for their buck with a squeeze then they are mad. Wfp cleans the frames everytime and the windows stay cleaner for longer. It's a no brainer really.
Lol,........I just couldn't think of a good reason not to have wfp.

I'm happy with the high standard of work I produce using wfp and just pure water. I never have any problems with potential customers wanting traditional over wfp. The two I do trad are easy money and over priced so are therefore worth getting a ladder off for.

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Trust me my squeegee technique is decent. Been doing it since day dot. Out of interest what frequency do you run on?
All I'm saying is that you have nothing to compare it on and neither have the manufacturers- its just hearsay. And both you and the manufacturers have something to be gained out of making people believe the science, so like I said- say what you like to the customers but on here people smell the bull.

My rounds supposed to be 4 weekly but it usually runs anywhere between 4 and 6.

Can't you clean two windows both ways and then do a comparison?

Then we'll have facts either way.

I have experienced this over the last few months...but not any of my work...about 18 month ago a local windy sold up he had a very good established round wfp, been at it for 12 years and was one of the first in this area to switch from trad to wfp.

Now he sold up to 2 guys from out of town, who happened to be new to window cleaning, now all I can say is....these 2 are my best salesmen....for some reason they just haven't got the hang of it....I ve picked up more customers recently because of their lack of knowledge....and when I get a enquiry from one of their despondent customers it's nearly always the same old story...."The windows never look clean when the've finished, ....not like when the last chap did them".....so their loss my gain....and the customer is quite happy to pay me a bit more to get the job done right. So yes it is all down to the operator and when a customer knows that their windows can be done to a high standard using wfp they are more than happy to carry on and pay for that quality

Regarding windows staying cleaner for longer so if you use an additive like vision in your tank will the windows stay cleaner for longer or get dirty quicker I'm wondering?/emoticons/biggrin.png

Can't you clean two windows both ways and then do a comparison?
Then we'll have facts either way.
I have and that's what I'm basing my findings on. My old man's an analytical chemist. Science does not lie.

The more surfactant u use it: (soap) to break down the water tension the more residue u will leave behind on the window. If u only use water at its purest state leaving no residue the dirt has less to be attracted to. If I squeegee my window using only pure water it will stay cleaner for longer than if I used fairy. I have tested this and it is true.

I think for me the only difference is there is less margine for error using a squeegee as u can rectify a mistake almost immediately.

Can't you clean two windows both ways and then do a comparison?
Then we'll have facts either way.
Nope, because if the trad one stays cleaner the WFPers will be blaming the operator, and vice versa. /emoticons/biggrin.png

So the suggestion is that on the forums we respect each others methods, and do whichever method we choose for whatever the reasons are we choose them.

If the cunty think that they are getting more for their buck with a squeeze then they are mad. Wfp cleans the frames everytime and the windows stay cleaner for longer. It's a no brainer really.
Sorry mate but do not agree with you. My frames are every bit as clean as a wfp & I'm one of these that cannot see how the window stays cleaner longer. I use both methods & when I go back the windows I've traded are exactly the same as the one I used the pole on. Quicker yes but on the cleaning side to me they do the same job. Just my opinion.

I begrudge the slur against clean frames

I am trad and i challenge you to find a dirty frame at one of my custys

One of the reasons i am so recommended round here

I take work from the wfp guy round here who is shocking but i even tell the custys it is him not his wfp which they try to blame

Agreed. opinions will always be divided. Every method works and everyone should use whatever method they prefer.

I just look forward to not tradding Georgians and leaded windows ever again

That's the ones you can get to but what about the ones you can't reach :whistle:

I begrudge the slur against clean framesI am trad and i challenge you to find a dirty frame at one of my custys

One of the reasons i am so recommended round here

I take work from the wfp guy round here who is shocking but i even tell the custys it is him not his wfp which they try to blame
Sorry mate but do not agree with you. My frames are every bit as clean as a wfp & I'm one of these that cannot see how the window stays cleaner longer. I use both methods & when I go back the windows I've traded are exactly the same as the one I used the pole on. Quicker yes but on the cleaning side to me they do the same job. Just my opinion.
Fair point posh, you obviously take pride in your work....and that's my point... whether it be trad or wfp if the operator doesn't do the work properly then either way is useless.....as you say you use both methods and both stay clean....if you did'nt understand the trade then I doubt this would be achievable whether it be trad or wfp

I agree shiny

Been doing this close to 25 years now but newbies wouldn't get that standard whatever method they used until they have been doing it a while

Trad and wfp sound simple but in reality it takes a while to do it well

I was waiting for you to say @daveyboy1 that is the reason why you are going over to the dark side soon /emoticons/biggrin.png
