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DI resin vessel or buy pure water


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Hi all, I'm looking at starting out from scratch. Most probably start off with a portable pack until the round gets more established. Which is more economical, buy a DI vessel and resin or buy pure water from a water station? Also, any tips on the best mid range price equipment and tips on starting out. TIA.
Hi all, I'm looking at starting out from scratch. Most probably start off with a portable pack until the round gets more established. Which is more economical, buy a DI vessel and resin or buy pure water from a water station? Also, any tips on the best mid range price equipment and tips on starting out. TIA.
Use the search bar at the top right corner of the page as everything you need to know is there

Apologies for sounding unhelpful but we hear the same question regularly
To be fair at times the search bar is hard work. You end up reading anything and everything not even related to what you searched for and get years old posts.
Much easier to just ask the question again. At least then you will get an up to date answer
@TonySmith365 if you go to the aqua cure website mate you can put in your postcode and it will tell you how hard your water is. If you've got soft water than DI (or better Double DI) will be fine. If it's medium, hard or worse etc you'll be much better off with an RO unit into a DI vessel. Alternatively if you live close to a spotless water filling station they are a great place to start off with. Here's the link for the aqua cure postcode checker: https://www.aquacure.co.uk/knowledge-base/uk-hard-water-map/

PS. Although sometimes RO units etc can seem alot of information to take in at first, they aren't too bad at all to set up. Good luck with everything mate.
@TonySmith365 if you go to the aqua cure website mate you can put in your postcode and it will tell you how hard your water is. If you've got soft water than DI (or better Double DI) will be fine. If it's medium, hard or worse etc you'll be much better off with an RO unit into a DI vessel. Alternatively if you live close to a spotless water filling station they are a great place to start off with. Here's the link for the aqua cure postcode checker: https://www.aquacure.co.uk/knowledge-base/uk-hard-water-map/

PS. Although sometimes RO units etc can seem alot of information to take in at first, they aren't too bad at all to set up. Good luck with everything mate.
Just been on Aquacure site and it states I'm in a software area, less than 60ppm. Never known it, in over 12 years, for it to be below 280ppm, sometimes over 350ppm
To be fair at times the search bar is hard work. You end up reading anything and everything not even related to what you searched for and get years old posts.
Much easier to just ask the question again. At least then you will get an up to date answer
Most of the answers are still the same for all basic questions what set up do I need, ro or di , do I need a booster pump , which membranes should I go for there are hundreds of this type of post , ime more than happy to try and help anyone but when the same old questions are asked week after week year after year with the person not putting in any effort to find the answers to their questions I for one get fed up offering advice that’s already available . And as for saying it’s much easier to ask the question again this just confirms what I have said .
Just been on Aquacure site and it states I'm in a software area, less than 60ppm. Never known it, in over 12 years, for it to be below 280ppm, sometimes over 350ppm
I agree. We are also in a soft water area according to this site. In actuality we are in a slightly hard water area so this site is wrong again.

So the answer is as @ched999uk says in response to the op: buy a quality tds meter from Daqua.
@TonySmith365 if you go to the aqua cure website mate you can put in your postcode and it will tell you how hard your water is. If you've got soft water than DI (or better Double DI) will be fine. If it's medium, hard or worse etc you'll be much better off with an RO unit into a DI vessel. Alternatively if you live close to a spotless water filling station they are a great place to start off with. Here's the link for the aqua cure postcode checker: https://www.aquacure.co.uk/knowledge-base/uk-hard-water-map/

PS. Although sometimes RO units etc can seem alot of information to take in at first, they aren't too bad at all to set up. Good luck with everything mate.
Thanks for the info Scrubsy.👍
Most of the answers are still the same for all basic questions what set up do I need, ro or di , do I need a booster pump , which membranes should I go for there are hundreds of this type of post , ime more than happy to try and help anyone but when the same old questions are asked week after week year after year with the person not putting in any effort to find the answers to their questions I for one get fed up offering advice that’s already available . And as for saying it’s much easier to ask the question again this just confirms what I have said .
Just don’t answer then. Ignore the questions.
My point was you can end up in knots going through search bars. Sometimes the answers are not relevant anymore. I’m not singling out this search bar it’s all search bars
@TonySmith365 only came on to ask a question. If you don't want to answer just scroll past. It's your own time you're wasting replying in the first place. @PC is right, the search bar doesn't always work properly on here or on other groups and sites. PS. The aqua cure website was correct for my area, so I don't know why it's wrong for others. I'm not an expert Tony but please send me a message and I'll do my best to help mate.
Just been on Aquacure site and it states I'm in a software area, less than 60ppm. Never known it, in over 12 years, for it to be below 280ppm, sometimes over 350ppm

Same. Says I'm in a soft water area. My TDS is currently 390ppm :rolleyes: Saying that, it's sometimes 60ppm. Depends how much rain we've had. No rain for a while it shoots up typically about this time of year bang on time.
@TonySmith365 only came on to ask a question. If you don't want to answer just scroll past. It's your own time you're wasting replying in the first place. @PC is right, the search bar doesn't always work properly on here or on other groups and sites. PS. The aqua cure website was correct for my area, so I don't know why it's wrong for others. I'm not an expert Tony but please send me a message and I'll do my best to help mate.
There are hundreds of threads about all the usual start up questions they aren’t difficult to find the guy admitted himself he couldn’t be bothered to try and find it this is the general attitude of people today they are to lazy to try and help them and want ti be spoon fed all the time , it’s not difficult to find the answers to the vast majority of questions with the internet. Ime more than happy to try and help anyone but they also need to help themselves.
Not sure if this is of any help but it depends on how far away your nearest pure water filling station is. I'm 5 miles away from 2 filling stations so I choose to buy my water already deionised. I have a 450 litre tank and carry a large barrel which I use to feed my backpack.
It costs me roughly £12 to fill the tank backpack and barrel and that will last me a couple of days so I consider it a viable option. I also don't have the space to filter it myself and I live in an area with a higher than average tds reading meaning I would be spending more on resin. I would consider these factors before making the decision.
Not sure if this is of any help but it depends on how far away your nearest pure water filling station is. I'm 5 miles away from 2 filling stations so I choose to buy my water already deionised. I have a 450 litre tank and carry a large barrel which I use to feed my backpack.
It costs me roughly £12 to fill the tank backpack and barrel and that will last me a couple of days so I consider it a viable option. I also don't have the space to filter it myself and I live in an area with a higher than average tds reading meaning I would be spending more on resin. I would consider these factors before making the decision.
You aren't too far from me @Crystalalan I used to live quite close to spotless and Dave (Lugsden?) / Pure Water Supplies in Bournemouth. I've moved a bit further away so it's a bit of a trek there now. I've started making my own as I only use about 200-350 litres a week so just needed a small RO. When I lived closer it was easier to just go and fill up there.
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When you're starting out YouTube is a handy place to get info from. I watched a lot of videos, especially Squeeky Clean Dave, AEMackintosh and GreenProClean. I'd have a good scroll through those, and soak up as much as you can.

This forum is an absolute goldmine for information. Definitely have a good browse and read up on stuff.

When it comes to equipment again, it's best to look around. Gardiner and Window Cleaning Warehouse are the ones I have used the most. The carbon poles are better for weight and rigidity. The hybrid poles are cheaper, but heavier and bend a lot more which puts more strain on your shoulders.

I hope this helps a bit. Let us know how you get on.
When you're starting out YouTube is a handy place to get info from. I watched a lot of videos, especially Squeeky Clean Dave, AEMackintosh and GreenProClean. I'd have a good scroll through those, and soak up as much as you can.

This forum is an absolute goldmine for information. Definitely have a good browse and read up on stuff.

When it comes to equipment again, it's best to look around. Gardiner and Window Cleaning Warehouse are the ones I have used the most. The carbon poles are better for weight and rigidity. The hybrid poles are cheaper, but heavier and bend a lot more which puts more strain on your shoulders.

I hope this helps a bit. Let us know how you get on.
Thanks Bry, your comments are most helpful. I'll keep you posted. Thanks buddy.
Not sure if this is of any help but it depends on how far away your nearest pure water filling station is. I'm 5 miles away from 2 filling stations so I choose to buy my water already deionised. I have a 450 litre tank and carry a large barrel which I use to feed my backpack.
It costs me roughly £12 to fill the tank backpack and barrel and that will last me a couple of days so I consider it a viable option. I also don't have the space to filter it myself and I live in an area with a higher than average tds reading meaning I would be spending more on resin. I would consider these factors before making the decision.
Thanks crystalalan, that's very useful information. Appreciate it. 👍
Just don’t answer then. Ignore the questions.
My point was you can end up in knots going through search bars. Sometimes the answers are not relevant anymore. I’m not singling out this search bar it’s all search bars

@TonySmith365 only came on to ask a question. If you don't want to answer just scroll past. It's your own time you're wasting replying in the first place. @PC is right, the search bar doesn't always work properly on here or on other groups and sites. PS. The aqua cure website was correct for my area, so I don't know why it's wrong for others. I'm not an expert Tony but please send me a message and I'll do my best to help mate.
The irony to these replies is beyond funny. Both of you guys, well meaning I'm sure, are criticising a very regular poster, that offers regular advice, without advising the OP.
Shouldn't you be advising them and then criticising @Pjj
@TonySmith365 only came on to ask a question. If you don't want to answer just scroll past. It's your own time you're wasting replying in the first place. @PC is right, the search bar doesn't always work properly on here or on other groups and sites. PS. The aqua cure website was correct for my area, so I don't know why it's wrong for others. I'm not an expert Tony but please send me a message and I'll do my best to help mate.
Really appreciate it mate. 👍
Most of the answers are still the same for all basic questions what set up do I need, ro or di , do I need a booster pump , which membranes should I go for there are hundreds of this type of post , ime more than happy to try and help anyone but when the same old questions are asked week after week year after year with the person not putting in any effort to find the answers to their questions I for one get fed up offering advice that’s already available . And as for saying it’s much easier to ask the question again this just confirms what I have said .
Pjj, you seem to be moaning about me not putting any effort in to find the answer to my question. I've been searching the Internet every night for the past week, couldn't find the answer to my question, so I decided to ask the professionals, you lot. Some people have been kind and helpful, you have seemed to put me in a box of "asking the same old question" as you say " do I need ro or di, do I need a booster pump, which membranes should I go for" I didn't ask these questions. If you read my post I asked" which is more economical, di vessel or buy pure water. You have replied to my post but you have failed to answer my question. Which I find totally absurd. Like I said, I checked out the Internet and then decided to ask you guys, hoping for help. If you want to help, then help by answering the question or give advice. If people don't know about these things, not only on this site but in any trade they go on forums to ask advice, knowing that there are people who can help them. I'd you don't want to help, then either don't comment or don't bother reading the posts.