Seriously not an answer Richard and thats from someone that knows nothing about wfp brushes or sales, you keep saying your brush is faster, you keep saying you designed it yet you can't answer (or wont). Sorry mate you're either an incredibly bad salesman, it isn't faster or you don't actually know, the latter only leading to one obvious conclusion.
Dodger, Im a window cleaner first – advertising ,marketing and sales – come a distant second. Its just a brush used for wfp window cleaning, even if I didnt make and sell the brush I would still be using it.
I have answered the question: It wont matter how much or how long you talk about some things, the only way to know more or learn is to do it, because no amount of talking is going to do it.
Occasionally you will hear some window cleaners mention they can earn over £500 a day, this is true – but not for everybody, not matter how many years they window clean for. Its just never going to happen for them. Similarly a trad cleaner at the top of his game can earn over £45k working a 4 day week (not working a daft number of hours per week) again not everyone can do this (some like to blame their location) for example, in fact I know some wfp window cleaners earn less than trad cleaners and yet wfp is 30% quicker.
So I stand by what I say my brushes are capable of working faster and the window cleaner can phiscally move as fast as he can and my brushes will maintain performance – but for some they will never be fast enough.