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Ettore Porcupine Applicator Sleeve


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It should fit nice then

All mine is unger apart from the porcupine

They do the best 0° swivel squeegee

It should fit nice thenAll mine is unger apart from the porcupine

They do the best 0° swivel squeegee

me too must be flicking too hard /emoticons/biggrin.png
I reckon there is something in this as my ettore bars have always seemed too tight for the unger sleeves.

Got the porky pine today. I see what you mean, that wasn't what I was expecting at all. Going to have a play with it later.

we know ya are going to play with it later:rolleyes: but what about the porky pine @TolishAPurd ?
Twice a day every day mate. It used to be once a day, but then I got married.:rolleyes:

How's the new porky tolish??
I love it mate.:thumbsup: I did an in and out on my house yesterday using my new toys. The porkies spot on. I noticed how well it got the crap off, but one thing I also noticed that I haven't seen mentioned is just how well it glides over the glass. This is probably because of all those nylon bristles. So not only do you have to scrub less to get the same result, but each scrub you do feels easier- win win. Anything that saves effort and strainis a plus in my book. :thumbsup: Every review deserves a negative, and the only neg I found is that it doesn't have a little green scourer pad like my ninja sleeves have for the really stubborn stuff.:sad: That said, I'm sold on this little beauty. Thanks for the recommendation lads.

I might have to buy myself a new one soon. Had almost a year out of it now and it's starting to wear. but, the best mop I have used ever!!!

This is definitely the worst sleeve iv used , the whole feel off it on the windows didn't to it for me , I only bought it as it was a 5r in my local so I gave it a go and ended up giving it to my bro
