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Foot my ladder? :)


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welcome back joshua....had me worried for a mo.....i do stupid things still every day..not necessary window cleaning ..the decision to cut across a dual carriageway yesterday was a wrong one....the car didn't go quite as fast as i expected it too and i should have waited....and god knows what my daughter did in her car this week...speed and inexperience, but she is so lucky that all that got hurt were some daffodils....and as for my car....well i just got my mot so i be happy ish....still lots to do to keep it going though....just keep on telling us your tales and you will inspire me as i remember back to my youth..../emoticons/smile.png

and thanks for the great vid...i havent looked into youtube at all it was very entertaining...i have to own up to having done a couple of the things on there....but i was lucky and of course this was when elf and safety where unknown....we, of course must all evolve into a safer world..

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My car will get sorted soon /emoticons/smile.png My driving is no where near as bad as them on the videos /emoticons/unsure.png. Bought my car £300 with 12months MOT, I knew £300 must be dodgey ended up replacing brakes exhaust and head gasket within the first month then after that tyres and tax and other bits and bobs, tried not to spend to much and its now going to cost £800 to fix as the manifold and cat have both cracked the brake pipes are corroded the sills are corroded so much welding needs to be done I may as well buy a new one. Want a van but the insurance for my age group is ridiculous. When driving across eroupe I lost all my NCB to a stupid insurance company they told me I needed to pay them to get them back, so Save for a van until Im 25 hopefully Ill get a good one /emoticons/smile.png. Now thou I'm off out canvassing for the 4th time this week.

My car will get sorted soon /emoticons/smile.png My driving is no where near as bad as them on the videos /emoticons/unsure.png. Bought my car £300 with 12months MOT, I knew £300 must be dodgey ended up replacing brakes exhaust and head gasket within the first month then after that tyres and tax and other bits and bobs, tried not to spend to much and its now going to cost £800 to fix as the manifold and cat have both cracked the brake pipes are corroded the sills are corroded so much welding needs to be done I may as well buy a new one. Want a van but the insurance for my age group is ridiculous. When driving across eroupe I lost all my NCB to a stupid insurance company they told me I needed to pay them to get them back, so Save for a van until Im 25 hopefully Ill get a good one /emoticons/smile.png. Now thou I'm off out canvassing for the 4th time this week.
yeh me had loadsa cheap dodgy cars on the road in my time....even the one i have now is a gamble....i dont do a lot of miles but they can go wrong anytime and cost a fortune these days....ooh the tales i could tell about cars...and as for the young drivers insurance that is disgusting as my son said when he first insured.....

why should i pay so much when i have full no claims.........

er i think that may have been a dodgy mot somehow as most of the things you replaced are needed to be in good order..

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Glad to see you back joshua. Just keep plugging away and the work will come to me. You are right, we all do stupid things. I was lazy this morning.....I had a window to clean that was above some steps. It was too high to reach. Instead of going back to the car to get a suitable small ladder I decided to use my footsteps (3 steps), with both sets of legs being on different steps, therefore sloping quite severely. As soon as I started wiping the frames they collapsed on me. I dont know how, but I landed flat on my feet onto the steps. Not exactly a ladder fall but it could have been painful and damaging......all because I was being lazy.

Glad to see you back joshua. Just keep plugging away and the work will come to me. You are right, we all do stupid things. I was lazy this morning.....I had a window to clean that was above some steps. It was too high to reach. Instead of going back to the car to get a suitable small ladder I decided to use my footsteps (3 steps), with both sets of legs being on different steps, therefore sloping quite severely. As soon as I started wiping the frames they collapsed on me. I dont know how, but I landed flat on my feet onto the steps. Not exactly a ladder fall but it could have been painful and damaging......all because I was being lazy.
yep sounds just like something i would do....me being lazy ....

i must admit haven't tried a nepalese...assume its nice.....no me on taxi run as usual....just what time is the pickup thats what i want to know....and then tomorrow off to bloomin southport with the other daughter...kids....

Having a beer or two now cnc, to help me get me over the shock lol. Sure you understand. Time for another before we go out for a nepelese.
Just be careful with the beer mrtaytay

I'll say no more...lol

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Lol.....I just cant resist it shiny. It is the weekend, after all.

Nepelese restuarant here I come. I have been advised that ghurka beer is very good.

Lol.....I just cant resist it shiny. It is the weekend, after all.
Nepelese restuarant here I come. I have been advised that ghurka beer is very good.
Ghurka beer would have to be more than very good if you was going to have to choose one of these ladies..!!! lol

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Welcome back dudeski, I thought we lost you.

Sounds like you are working hard at it, keep plugging away and it will come mate. I wish I had the guts (and charm, lol) to go out canvassing.

I hope in the future you just pole it mate. I would only climb that ladder if my mate was footing it

or if roof looked safe i would walk the roof. i,ve never used my van to secure ladder

always remember you canny clean windows in a wheel chair


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