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Getting carried away on first cleans...


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This is how i do a first cleanBy spraying the ubik on the glass as well you don't get any **** to scrape off after

The customer will be well happy with this quality of clean and not taken forever to do

Also notice the 0 detailing as i am so good lol


You have a lovely bottom Davey :inlove:

What ratio do you use @daveyboy1?
Whatever amount it is i had left in my 5l container lol and some water

I never measure but must be about 10:1 or stronger

I just pour a bit in the sprayer and then fill it up with water but always looks strong

That's why I wash it straight off with sopping wet porky so it don't stain yellow

Can't let it dwell at that strength

Thanks Dave

I just got fed up doing first cleans the normal way then having to scrub frames with a rag and scrape all the spider poop off the glass

Probably takesthe same amount of time if you work it out but i am left with spotless frames and glass

I hate wiping the muck round on dirty frames and sills..just moves the grey muck around

yep think I will start copying that for future first cleans

and of course...I will have to charge daveyboy prices if I use the daveyboy method../emoticons/biggrin.png

Have you got any ubik or virosol??

And a porkypine is excellent to scrub it all with

And your normal applicator to clean it after

I always use a bottle of weak solution on my belt to wet applicator and a bottle of neat flash/ asda eco liquid mix to get the right consistency on my applicator so i use the bucket of water for the first cleans with the ubik and slop it all about

yep I have a spray bottle made up and the good ole alligator ready..now just need the new jobs..

got to go crawling to one in the morning I should have done friday but didnt have enough time...

but..the way I look at it...I didnt have the job before so if I lose it I havent really lost what I didnt have...and ...regular custys come first.../emoticons/biggrin.png

the trouble with a lot of first clean new jobs is they expect you to get to them straight away and its not always possible..

I mainly do gutters with a bit of windows.I think what you are doing is great but what is probably more important is to let the client know how much better job you are doing than anyone else to justify hopefully a higher price ;-).When we have done a great job and I have forgotten to highlight it to client if they don't mention how good it is I feel a bit miffed-probably me being shallow ;-) but its my fault not theirs.Imagine your solicitor gets you off a charge with a point of law that takes him 1 minute to explain to the Judge and then wants a grand off you.Probably seems excessive.Had he told you he had spent 4days consulting the last 200 cases relevant to yours-it would seem a bit more reasonable.Anyway enough about me getting off being drunk in charge of a ladder lol

Well tried the Ubik 2000 "pre spray the whole lot" method today on 4 first cleans I had, went a window at a time rather than spraying up all of them as not to leave it on to dwell too long, mixed a ruff 1 part Ubik to 10 water, left on about 30 seconds, agitated the lot with the brush (water off) then rinsed off with pure, then once most rinsed off started cleaning the window as normal, then the normal final rinse down, for the upstairs windows I just pre sprayed my brush and did the same method. I have to say the results were fantastic, gleaming frames and very shiny windows, had 2 customers text me this evening saying how great they were and both commented on the 'shiny' glass so must of dried ok (was worried they might not dry spotless using a chemical on the glass). Took very little time when compared to how I was doing it before with a Upvc cleaner, got 2 more firsts tomorrow morning so will be carrying on using this method now me thinks!

Anyone remember binocular man? The fella that had me pointing his chimney and he was at ground level in his wheelchair gawping at me through his binoculars while I'm clinging on to the roof for dear life? Well he had me clean the inside garage window WFP today. Cobwebs as big as a Giants Mrs's muff. So, I take a spray bottle of Virosol and blast the lot. Then I get an old micro and rub all the cobwebs off. I shout out to him, because he's there sat in his wheelchair watching, "I'm gagging in here." They're cobwebs aren't they he says. "Yeah, but I'm heaving in here." Anyway, the moral of this story is that they came up a treat and he was chuffed to bits.

Wish I'd taken before and after shots.

God knows what he's got up his sleeve for next time :eek:
