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gutter cleaning vs window cleaning


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im not an expert so my previous caveat still applies in respect to double checking but as said, ltd company is not much different at a lower lever or with turnover less than 50k some people tend to use as a rough benchmark. It’s different for each situation though.

if you operate legally and don’t be neglectful of your duties you should find yourself and any personal assets protected generally speaking in terms of accidents etc because insurance should cover them.

for the sake of a few hundred per year, if you own any assets such as a house I personally would just go ltd as it is like an extra layer of protection. But only a layer in that respect. As a director. You break the law In some instances for certain things and you can still be personally liable.

tax wise. As an employee it’s 20% tax on income over 12500. Then 13.8% national insurance.

as a company director you can pay yourself like this or pay 19% (think it may have changed to 18) tax on profits and then 7.5% on dividends over 2k.

so it’s 33.8% Versus 27.5% as a general rule. You can use expenses in any scenario but will have more room to do more things via a company. Most accountants won’t tell you most ons and outs as I have found so I would always recommend you learn learn learn because no one else is going to find ways to make your business work better. Rarely.

omega can i ask you how much does your accountant charge you per year?
Its around 800 per year plus additional charges for our vat returns and other bits. I imagine I am a high maintenance client as we are growing at a pace and I ask a lot of questions and queries. The fee is fixed however. I should note that I would happily pay more.

I would really stress that you take the time to learn about these things yourself. Check out gov.uk. I have been shot down in the past for saying this but ultimately, you have the final responsibility for making decisions and conducting your business affairs and planning to best make use of the tax system we are provided. This attitude of I don't do accounts, that's why I have an accountant in the manner that they need not know leaves a lot of opportunity on the table in many cases and is often complacent.

I await those who enjoy the rhetoric that companies avoid tax but the final say is that the tax system is there and the rules are final. The gov use the tax system to encourage and incentivise behaviours they want such as low emission vehicles, business growth and employment. You should therefore use the tax system to your advantage. Don't be dishonest but where there is tax breaks, it is usually because the government want that behaviour to occur. Example is how a company with more than one employee will receive an Employers NI allowance. It's an incentive to employ.

Your accountant is there is assist and prepare your books/accounts. You should be knowledgeable enough to have good working understanding as a business owner. Or else, you have no idea if the service you are receiving is even up to standard.

You ask a lot of questions on here about business in general but remember you will receive a variety of answers from people with varying capacities, ambition, understanding and biases. No issue with it but it adds to why I stress to learn it yourself. The info you hear is rarely going to be specific for you and therefore of less use than your own applied understanding based on your situation.

Its around 800 per year plus additional charges for our vat returns and other bits. I imagine I am a high maintenance client as we are growing at a pace and I ask a lot of questions and queries. The fee is fixed however. I should note that I would happily pay more.

I would really stress that you take the time to learn about these things yourself. Check out gov.uk. I have been shot down in the past for saying this but ultimately, you have the final responsibility for making decisions and conducting your business affairs and planning to best make use of the tax system we are provided. This attitude of I don't do accounts, that's why I have an accountant in the manner that they need not know leaves a lot of opportunity on the table in many cases and is often complacent.

I await those who enjoy the rhetoric that companies avoid tax but the final say is that the tax system is there and the rules are final. The gov use the tax system to encourage and incentivise behaviours they want such as low emission vehicles, business growth and employment. You should therefore use the tax system to your advantage. Don't be dishonest but where there is tax breaks, it is usually because the government want that behaviour to occur. Example is how a company with more than one employee will receive an Employers NI allowance. It's an incentive to employ.

Your accountant is there is assist and prepare your books/accounts. You should be knowledgeable enough to have good working understanding as a business owner. Or else, you have no idea if the service you are receiving is even up to standard.

You ask a lot of questions on here about business in general but remember you will receive a variety of answers from people with varying capacities, ambition, understanding and biases. No issue with it but it adds to why I stress to learn it yourself. The info you hear is rarely going to be specific for you and therefore of less use than your own applied understanding based on your situation.
So basically he needs to speak to someone that will, free of charge, give him the correct information. If someone, without an Accountant friend can tell me anywhere he will get this, except HMRC, then please post the link. This isn't rocket science and there are Accountants out there that will tell him what he wants to hear and charge him for that. On every tax return he will have to sign to say the information supplied is correct and if it isn't the Accountant will say we did the Accounts on the info he supplied, and guess who HMRC will believe.

Saying there are tax exemptions and loopholes to someone that hasn't even washed a window is a bit far fetched. I accept you are trying to be helpful but anyone that goes self employed that hasn't got the basic knowledge of doing accounts is either going to be on a very sharp learning curve or is going bump within 2 years.

This is a simple business to set up/start up

It will make you as big and wealthy as the effort you put in, over time.

listen to the advice you’ve been offered here, go out with someone, see if it’s for you. 
canvas, knock some doors, see if there’s any demand.  Ask your friends, family or anyone in the street what they pay their windy, you will be shocked. Even the big houses want to pay peanuts 
to me, it appears you’re over complicating it before you start. 
I wish you well, but think you’ve already decided it’s for you


20 years served, no mortgage , a couple of quid and deffo,deffo slowing down

I have to view an old tenement to vac out the gutters. With residents being their own factors they have been calling around. Great having gennie so I don't need to use anyone lecky and I have a minimum price of £300 but this has 3 sides. If I get it then I will be buying elite poles, more money I know.

I have to view an old tenement to vac out the gutters. With residents being their own factors they have been calling around. Great having gennie so I don't need to use anyone lecky and I have a minimum price of £300 but this has 3 sides. If I get it then I will be buying elite poles, more money I know.
I think we’re wasting our time and effort here. The op was all gusto for 2 days, and has not been on since. 
Im sure we will finding him devaluing our or another get rich quick industry ffs

I think we’re wasting our time and effort here. The op was all gusto for 2 days, and has not been on since. 
Im sure we will finding him devaluing our or another get rich quick industry ffs
Not sure if you mean me but the reason I'm hardly on now is because I am very busy and have taken on tree cutting so I'm on the Arb forum aswell. There will be folk glad to see the back of me but I couldn't have achieved so much knowledge without this forum. I'm off to price that tenement now, look in tonight. ?

Not sure if you mean me but the reason I'm hardly on now is because I am very busy and have taken on tree cutting so I'm on the Arb forum aswell. There will be folk glad to see the back of me but I couldn't have achieved so much knowledge without this forum. I'm off to price that tenement now, look in tonight. ?
No, not you! 
the original poster. For a couple of days he asked a lot of questions and has now disappeared. 
you don’t have explain why your on to me!

Varied advice and opinions here I see.

Ultimately you can Make lots of money gutter cleaning. However you need to market yourself and your services well. As mentioned already, you’ll have less frequent repeat business so more marketing required in the initial stages. I would just leaflet all the time you’re not working

you should be able to make better money per hour than window cleaning and being able to market as a gutter specialist can work in your favour.

the issue is that for washing you either use ladders which limits access without wfp.

using wfp cleaning for gutter washing means you’ll need to clean windows too.

getting a vac is not expensive. You don’t NEED one of the powerful units with big generator. The smallest size Skyvac works more than well enough and can be had with a 2kw inverter generator for within 1k and it will hold most value anyway so limited risk.

set each client up for an annual service where you offer a survey each year and advise whether a clearance is required could work.

we get heaps of gutter work because we operate a fixed price system which we keep to the majority of the time unless the property is very complex or large.

persoanlly, I think most gutter work is charged high in relation to other services when per hour rate is considered.

as a result we get loads of customers from other window cleaners who then later decide to switch window cleaning too.

my take is that there is huge opportunity if done right.
There is loads of window cleaners where we operate too but we gain perhaps 1/3 of our jobs from clients who express they would prefer us when they already have a window cleaner as a result of seeing us work and around or a recommendation.
so the business if there regardless.
Do you only specialise in gutter work?