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Gareth in Barry

New member
Hi everyone I'm new to this service so bare with me,
I bought a 2nd hand water fed system all was working well until today.
Used yesterday and it was perfect.
Today only a trickle of water is coming out of the brush, the pump sounds like it's working, I stripped the brush down took off every piece cleaned it, now no water is coming through, I'm guessing the pump has gone and broken can I have you more informed opinion please
Could be a lot of things. Have you got pre filters going into the pump? Check those aren’t full of grit and other stuff.
Hi everyone I'm new to this service so bare with me,
I bought a 2nd hand water fed system all was working well until today.
Used yesterday and it was perfect.
Today only a trickle of water is coming out of the brush, the pump sounds like it's working, I stripped the brush down took off every piece cleaned it, now no water is coming through, I'm guessing the pump has gone and broken can I have you more informed opinion please
With all water fed pole systems wether they are brand new professional installs, DIY self builds or second hand you really need to familiarise yourself with how it all works and you'll be required to be an automotive electrician & plumber

Alway work in reverse with your fault finding diagnostics

1, is your tank outlet fouled or blocked
2, is your hose from the tank to pump kinked or blocked. Also leaking air into the system
3, is your pump using a recommended prefilter, is it blocked with grit or plastic
4, it your pump outlet hose tight or kinked
5, unreal all your hose and ensure it's not kinked
6, is your pole hose kinked or brush jets fouled with grit or plastic

Wfp is dead simple to understand and diagnose
I'd personally never buy secondhand
Just to add to the above you could also check your connector between hose and pole hose. If using the metal Rectus connectors they can get bashed around, so could possibly obstruct the flow.

Does your flow controller display PS or DE?