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Hose pipe


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Quick question, what do people use to repair hose pipes !!
Got a hole in mine and had to remove 7mtr of hose but just wounded if rejoined back together what are people using without using big bulkie hose lock fittings, cheers.
What you would do depends on your round, the condition of the hose, where the break in the hose is, and what caused the break.

If the break was the result of wear and tear and the hose is old, I would bite the bullet and replace the hose. At this moment, for example, the inner hose section on my reel as well-worn as I swapped ends around a year or so ago.

If I had to cut 7 meters from my hose, that basically wouldn't affect me at all, as I can't remember the last time I used a full 100 meters of hose. If I did use 100 meters of hose from time to time, then I would put that 7 meters onto a small reel with the fittings I could use to daisy-chain the 2 reels together to make 100 meters. For me, that would be a male and female Connects 2 from Exceed Innovations.

I wouldn't join the 2 pieces together due to the bulkiness of the join. At seven meters in, that connector would be hooking onto every corner. It's bad enough using Connect 2 to join the pole hose to the main hose. I don't want to fight with another join.

If the hose was pretty new, then I might consider a 6mm (or 8mm depending on if your hose is microbore or minibore), hose barb with O clips, but then swap the hose ends around. The means the hose join would hardly ever be off the reel.

If the break was at 30 or 40 meters, then I would replace the hose.
Quick question, what do people use to repair hose pipes !!
Got a hole in mine and had to remove 7mtr of hose but just wounded if rejoined back together what are people using without using big bulkie hose lock fittings, cheers.
Why is it a quick question? We're you running. Cut out the damage and use a joiner or buy a new hose