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I Feel Like Leaving


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i know its basic wage when i figer it out once petrol etc is paid for. but who wouldnt give just to top up there round etc.

i know im trying to justfy the amount but im stuck no money coming all my residential customers have gone to a cheap skate and im just sick of wondering where the money coming in.

i still need a van and van insurence.
Me !!!!

I would not even entertain cleaning a shop front that size for £15 never mind £8 I know how big the front is on that shop .

I would much rather do a residential job for that amount , also it's not as if it's cash in hand either .

You got to invoice them wait for the cheque and then cash it for the sake of £8 .

Not being funny but you are the sort of person that is going to kill our industry just so you can get " a job " if you want to be a busy fool

Then carry on .

I offered to help you out getting customers but you didn't want to know So your loss mate .

And for the people who are saying yeah go and do it for £8 have a look at the shop before you go giving blokes advice .


i reckon the boss man is trying to drive the price down ,personally at 8 quid a shop and the distance involved i would loose money on them ,move on and concentrate close to home and build your round from there otherwise youll end up being a busy fool making very little

if he charges 8 pound and can do it in 20 mins then fair play to him /emoticons/smile.png but for the peacocks i would probably charge £18.00 which includes all windows and signage and that job would take me around 40-50 mins to do /emoticons/smile.png

if he charges 8 pound and can do it in 20 mins then fair play to him /emoticons/smile.png but for the peacocks i would probably charge £18.00 which includes all windows and signage and that job would take me around 40-50 mins to do /emoticons/smile.png
If you are saying 40 / 50 mins work and your charging £18 your not charging enough !!!

For that amount of time you should be rounding up to the nearest hour and charging an hrs rate .

I like to earn minimum 20 pound her hour so for 40 mins work i think 18 pound is good /emoticons/smile.png nirmally in 40 mins i would clean 2 houses priced at 6 & 7 pound so in the same amount of time im earning more /emoticons/smile.png

the round is worthless and i wouldnt dream of doing a shop front like that for £8 id do a small gregs for £10!!how can you make it pay covering them miles less your tax ect??

i wouldnt bother with it,it will proberly keep changing hands all the time as they will son get sick of doing it for free;)

smile and be glad to walk away commercial are a load of sh1t stick to houses

There is no fricking way I would clean that for £8 - they would be looking at least £30 from me and mine, esp if they wanted fascias doing. If not sod em, I only want good, high paying customers on my books. I deliver a premium high quality service and charge accordingly..

There is no fricking way I would clean that for £8 - they would be looking at least £30 from me and mine, esp if they wanted fascias doing. If not sod em, I only want good, high paying customers on my books. I deliver a premium high quality service and charge accordingly..
Here here! My business model is exactly the same. If you want a fiat panda, you'll get one cheap. If you want a Bentley, you have to dig deep. The right customers will dig deep, they are a better class of people to deal with too.

some of the shops are smaller i can do it in ten mins all five windows and get in the car and drove off.
Rearrange: it a not touch with would bargepole!!!

I find the richer ppl seem are more likely to be tight arses....

Snobby wanabes are the worst ones trust me /emoticons/biggrin.png


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