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I Might Be In The Brown Stuff


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One of my new customers asked me to clean her conny roof. Any road I gave her a price and she wanted it doing cheaper. I said I'll do it at her price if I get time (money is money). I had spare time on Thursday, so I did it. It looked ace apart from one of the doors. It had misted up all over. How the **** did that happen. Not been back for my money for fear of her asking what the hell has happened to her door.

What would you do?

Go back to collect payment for the job you cowardy custard or you will never find out :Image13:

Best you don't mention about the door and see if the customer brings it up as they may already know that it has an issue but you failed to notice so don't worry about it. :Image9:

Go back and get your money Tuffers!

And dont forget to bring a new door with you.... :Image2:

It's the seal of the sealed unit, it happens and is nothing to do with you. If you cleaned on a hot day the glass could have been clear as the water vapour would be in the air inside the unit. When it's cooler the water condenses on the glass and so mists up.

It's not your fault!

Well said :Image9: Now go and collect your money Tuffers...

It's the seal of the sealed unit, it happens and is nothing to do with you. If you cleaned on a hot day the glass could have been clear as the water vapour would be in the air inside the unit. When it's cooler the water condenses on the glass and so mists up. It's not your fault!

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