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Is it ok to do WFP cleaning in -2 my first winter doing it


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Working in Sourh Ockenden tomorrow morning, fortunately for @Den not staying local. Weather forecast is -2 at 8am, real feel is -7 ?
Then over to Stevenage mid afternoon and real feel over there is -3
Stevenage have moved their spotless unit mate
Now it’s further down the hill on the right
First 3 jobs were a nightmare but now sun's out so I'll crack on till about half 1 then go home

When it's like this I just accept I ain't going to earn as much as usual and just get on with doing a bit.

I could work later to compensate but starting at 10 ruins my motivation and I can't really be arsed, I like to be up early and get cracking nothing worse than pacing around waiting to start.
Similar to myself first thing just made the best of it but worked till after 3pm when the hose got nipped and it froze up somewhere so jacked in and I'll have to go back this morning and do the 3 windows I couldn't get cleaned custy paid then went out so oblivious but no dramas as got other jobs next to them,

I'm a lark I'm always up early, a bit of quiet time then out with the dogs, hoping to start a bit earlier this morning as it's warmer at -2c so should be a good day and I'll get all my work completed tomorrow.
Similar to myself first thing just made the best of it but worked till after 3pm when the hose got nipped and it froze up somewhere so jacked in and I'll have to go back this morning and do the 3 windows I couldn't get cleaned custy paid then went out so oblivious but no dramas as got other jobs next to them,

I'm a lark I'm always up early, a bit of quiet time then out with the dogs, hoping to start a bit earlier this morning as it's warmer at -2c so should be a good day and I'll get all my work completed tomorrow.
Only just rose to - 4 here in Suffolk so still in my dressing gown, sod that. Got 6 hours to do so will venture out at 10.

Going to be 12 degrees Tuesday. Mad.
Not good even with a heated hot water system the water will freeze on the ground causing a major health and safty issue. If anyone slips and someone will you are liable.
We use rock salt at 2c and less.
Smattering of snow but still bitter down on the NE coast. Usually melts after an hour but hanging around. Oil filled rad in the van but not risking going out yet. Seen a few prangs on Facebook already this morning up Lingdale way.
Personally I've been gritting every job I've cleaned this week.customers appreciate it.its a responsible thing to do and it's great for customer relations/rapport....

I've had a lot of jobs with large sloping driveways and I wouldn't dream of cleaning them without gritting afterwards
I did jobs with sloping drives yesterday they were sheets of ice before I got there and are still exactly the same this morning as are the footpaths and roads I'm back on the same estate today no one I texted bothered to make sure their property was safe for me to ensure I don't end up on the floor,

It's +5c or higher as of this weekend end it will be a distant memory
Smattering of snow but still bitter down on the NE coast. Usually melts after an hour but hanging around. Oil filled rad in the van but not risking going out yet. Seen a few prangs on Facebook already this morning up Lingdale way.
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I’ve not gritted anything
I do however do front doors trad when it’s like this
Full day from 9 till now today
Don’t understand what all the fuss is about
Personally I've been gritting every job I've cleaned this week.customers appreciate it.its a responsible thing to do and it's great for customer relations/rapport....

I've had a lot of jobs with large sloping driveways and I wouldn't dream of cleaning them without gritting afterwards
Does your hot water not solve the freezing water problem ?
My new salt shaker ? Customer made it me a few years ago, it's a water bottle but I drink loads of water during summer so it's no use... then I needed something to put the salt in... ? Could do with about 5 of them though, constantly refilling it.


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