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Just starting up. Advice appreciated.


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Hi all,
I am just starting up a facia, gutter and jet washing service. I have work coming in on the facia and gutter side of things (I have a 30 year window cleaning veteran who is giving me all his work as he is starting to slow down and wanting less work) which is leading me to doing drive/patio cleaning etc. I have another business what is my main income but I will be starting off doing these jobs on the side as I have a lot of free time to spare when I finish my main job. (Which is a Totally different sector of work) I know it’s coming to the end of the season but I have a potential 15-20 jobs to do this year already. I will be trying to gain work on average of 2 days a week for the time being and have been looking at this jet wash kit to just get me started. I have done the research and I know people recommend 15l or more but I will be using an estate car until I pick up enough work to warrant buying a van or even a bigger jetwash (or at least buy a van at the start of spring next year ready for the new season to kick off fully then will upgrade to a bigger machine) comments and advice is all appreciated.
Here is the link for the kit I mentioned
Hi all,
I am just starting up a facia, gutter and jet washing service. I have work coming in on the facia and gutter side of things (I have a 30 year window cleaning veteran who is giving me all his work as he is starting to slow down and wanting less work) which is leading me to doing drive/patio cleaning etc. I have another business what is my main income but I will be starting off doing these jobs on the side as I have a lot of free time to spare when I finish my main job. (Which is a Totally different sector of work) I know it’s coming to the end of the season but I have a potential 15-20 jobs to do this year already. I will be trying to gain work on average of 2 days a week for the time being and have been looking at this jet wash kit to just get me started. I have done the research and I know people recommend 15l or more but I will be using an estate car until I pick up enough work to warrant buying a van or even a bigger jetwash (or at least buy a van at the start of spring next year ready for the new season to kick off fully then will upgrade to a bigger machine) comments and advice is all appreciated.
Here is the link for the kit I mentioned
Bear in mind you can't lay the pressure washer down as the oil will leak out! Might be worth looking for one with a fold down handle. Legally you are only supposed to pull 12litres per min from a mains tap! So anything above 12lpm should be using a buffer tank (wheely bin?). Be aware that the one you listed is also quite low pressure. Look for 200 or 250 bar (3000psi to 3600psi) but check your insurance as some only cover up to 3000psi.
The lower flow will take more time on each job.
For anything serious thats not going to cut it - pressure to low - it will takes ages for not cut through the grime - its all very well people starting out with this cheapo stuff but you won't get professional results or be at it all day and start regretting going down this route.

BTW - no such thing as pressure washing season - its an all year round service (y)
Thanks for a quick reply
Bear in mind you can't lay the pressure washer down as the oil will leak out! Might be worth looking for one with a fold down handle. Legally you are only supposed to pull 12litres per min from a mains tap! So anything above 12lpm should be using a buffer tank (wheely bin?). Be aware that the one you listed is also quite low pressure. Look for 200 or 250 bar (3000psi to 3600psi) but check your insurance as some only cover up to 3000psi.
The lower flow will take more time on each job.
thanks for the quick reply, I know I wouldn’t be able to lay it down, this is one of the reasons for a slightly smaller washer for fitment in the boot of a car. by the looks of it the handle is just screwed on with plastic ***** so it looks like it’s easy to take off and reattach, 2 minute job id say. Using a car will not be the ideal situation but my plan is to try get half decent equipment for now to just tick over until I get more jobs in the spring and pull back a little money and invest bigger when their is more work booked in the diary and I’m abit more established. I have done a lot of research and i have seen you give a lot of good advice to people and I know that you and others say a min of 15-20l per min etc and if I already had a van I would be going for the bigger machine, I have seen about the 12l a min and I will be using a flexi tank for a buffer (I know not ideal but It is a lot easier with a flexi to fit in the car for the time being) I don’t mind a little extra time to take on a job for now but if you think it is work getting a slight bigger one I will listen to the advice and go and find one what I can fit into the boot of my car. Do you have any recommendations for ones to look at. Also I have seen mixed reviews on using a FSC, what is your opinion, essential piece of equipment straight away or wait to get one when I have more work. If it is not needed it certainly gives more money to spend on a bigger machine and space in the car. Thanks again for your advice.
For anything serious thats not going to cut it - pressure to low - it will takes ages for not cut through the grime - its all very well people starting out with this cheapo stuff but you won't get professional results or be at it all day and start regretting going down this route.

BTW - no such thing as pressure washing season - its an all year round service (y)
Thanks for the reply, you’re the 2nd person to say that so bigger machine it is. I would rather listen to the people who have the experience to get it right the first time. You have any recommendations on a machine that would still fit in an Octavia estate? I will eventually invest in a van and a bigger machine and equipment next year once I have more experience and work booked in. Not to sound too stupid but basically for now what I’m asking is,what’s the smallest machine you would recommend that is a decent make and at a reasonable price. Basically an entry level for this kind of work.
Thanks for the reply, you’re the 2nd person to say that so bigger machine it is. I would rather listen to the people who have the experience to get it right the first time. You have any recommendations on a machine that would still fit in an Octavia estate? I will eventually invest in a van and a bigger machine and equipment next year once I have more experience and work booked in. Not to sound too stupid but basically for now what I’m asking is,what’s the smallest machine you would recommend that is a decent make and at a reasonable price. Basically an entry level for this kind of work
@Daniel1989 I don't pretend to know the first thing about pressure washing, but I used to do a bit of gardening and you have to be careful when transporting any tools or equipment that contain fuel in a car (like petrol). Its to do with the fumes rather than the tools themselves - incase you breathed them in when you're travelling about. Don't get me wrong lots of people do it as far as I'm aware, but just be careful on your car insurance. Very interesting what @ched999uk said, I had no idea about the legalities of the litres per minute you pull through a tap, but makes perfect sense. Good luck with it mate. Sounds like the windows will keep you busy enough
@Daniel1989 I don't pretend to know the first thing about pressure washing, but I used to do a bit of gardening and you have to be careful when transporting any tools or equipment that contain fuel in a car (like petrol). Its to do with the fumes rather than the tools themselves - incase you breathed them in when you're travelling about. Don't get me wrong lots of people do it as far as I'm aware, but just be careful on your car insurance. Very interesting what @ched999uk said, I had no idea about the legalities of the litres per minute you pull through a tap, but makes perfect sense. Good luck with it mate. Sounds like the windows will keep you busy enough
Thanks mate, I know my way around an engine itself, just not anything with pressure washer specifics. I would fit a drain tap on the fuel tank and drain it down after any use if it were to be in the car etc so I would have that covered (used to do it with the motorcross bikes when I used to ride, was standard practice) I own catering trucks so I have special insurance for transporting gas etc so I know all about stuff like that and my insurance broker can sort anything out for car/vans and my public liability insurance. I have those worries covered lol. Thanks for the advice and I hope it works too, I have most things planned in my head what way I would like to do it but will make the odd few tweaks with the advice from the people who know what their talking about, first tweak is the larger generator, any more advice off anyone or suggestions is always good and appreciated.
Great that you’ve got so much work lined up. 👍

It’s very much a small sideline for me but I found the investment in bottom rung commercial equipment paid for itself in a handful of jobs. I bought a package from Jetmac. 15lpm. Brilliant bit of kit. Prior to that I had a cheapie Rocwood. Did the job for what I needed and for about £250 but the Jetmac is a different league. I would say for the money they want for the package you’ve listed you’ll be very disappointed.
I wouldn’t stake my life on it but this looks much like what I bought.

Thanks mate, I know my way around an engine itself, just not anything with pressure washer specifics. I would fit a drain tap on the fuel tank and drain it down after any use if it were to be in the car etc so I would have that covered (used to do it with the motorcross bikes when I used to ride, was standard practice) I own catering trucks so I have special insurance for transporting gas etc so I know all about stuff like that and my insurance broker can sort anything out for car/vans and my public liability insurance. I have those worries covered lol. Thanks for the advice and I hope it works too, I have most things planned in my head what way I would like to do it but will make the odd few tweaks with the advice from the people who know what their talking about, first tweak is the larger generator, any more advice off anyone or suggestions is always good and appreciated.
@Daniel1989 fair enough mate. By the sounds of it you could quickly make this your full time business if you wanted to. There are a number of very popular pressure washing/exterior cleaning groups on facebook which I'm sure you will find loads of help too. I won't ask exactly what you already do, but is it very different to your other work?
I wouldn’t stake my life on it but this looks much like what I bought.

Thanks for the input, had other advice on the machine I have listed and obviously it’s unsuitable. Do you use the FSC? I have had mixed reviews on them. Also do you think this specific washer will fit in a Octavia estate? Thanks.
@Daniel1989 fair enough mate. By the sounds of it you could quickly make this your full time business if you wanted to. There are a number of very popular pressure washing/exterior cleaning groups on facebook which I'm sure you will find loads of help too. I won't ask exactly what you already do, but is it very different to your other work?
@Daniel1989 fair enough mate. By the sounds of it you could quickly make this your full time business if you wanted to. There are a number of very popular pressure washing/exterior cleaning groups on facebook which I'm sure you will find loads of help too. I won't ask exactly what you already do, but is it very different to your other work?
Thanks for the confidence, I have a catering business, totally different line of work, but I used to be a jig maker then worked in quality control for car manufacturing for nearly 10 years until I started my catering business around 5 years ago. I like being hands on and keeping busy, I enjoy hard work if that makes sense. Personally I think you can research as much as you want but everyone starting up a business has different goals, budgets, and different circumstances so it’s best to ask the experts and that’s what I have done for my personal goal for the minute. If I hadn’t posted my thread today I would have bought the kit I have listed, now I’m going to look into 15l and 200-250 bar as several people have told me to do so.
Thanks for the input, had other advice on the machine I have listed and obviously it’s unsuitable. Do you use the FSC? I have had mixed reviews on them. Also do you think this specific washer will fit in a Octavia estate? Thanks.
The Jetmac? Yes but you’ll probably have to unscrew the ‘handle’. Will take seconds. It’s heavy though. That’s more of an issue. I can pick mine up and put it in the back of my transit on my own. Wouldn’t want anything bigger though. If you’re not as muscle-bound as me 😉 you could always use a ramp.

The FSC is essential in my view. I do see guys using just a turbo nozzle to do the whole job but my god it’s messy and therefore to me looks unprofessional. Only if the space was tiny would I not use it.
Thanks for the confidence, I have a catering business, totally different line of work, but I used to be a jig maker then worked in quality control for car manufacturing for nearly 10 years until I started my catering business around 5 years ago. I like being hands on and keeping busy, I enjoy hard work if that makes sense. Personally I think you can research as much as you want but everyone starting up a business has different goals, budgets, and different circumstances so it’s best to ask the experts and that’s what I have done for my personal goal for the minute. If I hadn’t posted my thread today I would have bought the kit I have listed, now I’m going to look into 15l and 200-250 bar as several people have told me to do so.
On the subject of space and budget I reckon I’ve got £2.5-£3k ish in my Jetmac set-up including spares, buffer tank, longer hoses, waterproofs etc etc. Bear in mind the buffer tank for transporting it. It might squeeze in the back otherwise it’ll need to be roof rack. They are however handy for storing all your other gear in so they don’t really take up any space in a sense (as they’re full). I use a food storage barrel. Think it’s 100 litres. Only occasionally need to stop to let the tank catch up with the 15lpm machine.
The Jetmac? Yes but you’ll probably have to unscrew the ‘handle’. Will take seconds. It’s heavy though. That’s more of an issue. I can pick mine up and put it in the back of my transit on my own. Wouldn’t want anything bigger though. If you’re not as muscle-bound as me 😉 you could always use a ramp.

The FSC is essential in my view. I do see guys using just a turbo nozzle to do the whole job but my god it’s messy and therefore to me looks unprofessional. Only if the space was tiny would I not use it.
Yes the jetmac, I will look into them tomorrow. I used to load a 90kg generator into one of my catering trailers by myself, was abit of a struggle but doable, surely your jet mac won’t be that heavy, 50-60kg? If a ramp is needed I’m sure that could be sorted easy enough. Thanks for the input on the FSC, I think I will end up getting one as it looks like it can make some of the jobs easier. Each to their own but I think I will like the use of it.
On the subject of space and budget I reckon I’ve got £2.5-£3k ish in my Jetmac set-up including spares, buffer tank, longer hoses, waterproofs etc etc. Bear in mind the buffer tank for transporting it. It might squeeze in the back otherwise it’ll need to be roof rack. They are however handy for storing all your other gear in so they don’t really take up any space in a sense (as they’re full). I use a food storage barrel. Think it’s 100 litres. Only occasionally need to stop to let the tank catch up with the 15lpm machine.
I was hoping to get the PW and FSC maybe extra length hose for 2k max then I have additional funds for the likes of clothes, PPE brushes etc. with a tank I was looking at a flexi tank but then using a rigid tank as storage on the back seat could possibly work. If I can’t find a decent PW kit for that price range I will have to up my budget but I’d prefer not to, their always has to be a line, I find it easier to go bigger when you have made your investment back than for something not to work out and try get your investment back in the resale if your expensive equipment you will have just bought selling at a fraction of your initial cost
@Daniel1989 yes catering is very different, but still busy and interesting I expect. I know what you mean about being busy, I have suffered a little bit with my mental health over the last couple of years, particularly late last year and early this year. Being busy working I genuinely find has made me feel alot better. I have only ever pressure washed small areas - garden patios and a couple of customers have asked me to do their garden steps before. They weren't too dirty and came up a treat with my electric nilfisk pressure washer and some mild detergent. You'll be able to do more intense and bigger jobs that will need the sort of kit you are purchasing, but of course they will be paying much better too 👍
Hi all,
I am just starting up a facia, gutter and jet washing service. I have work coming in on the facia and gutter side of things (I have a 30 year window cleaning veteran who is giving me all his work as he is starting to slow down and wanting less work) which is leading me to doing drive/patio cleaning etc. I have another business what is my main income but I will be starting off doing these jobs on the side as I have a lot of free time to spare when I finish my main job. (Which is a Totally different sector of work) I know it’s coming to the end of the season but I have a potential 15-20 jobs to do this year already. I will be trying to gain work on average of 2 days a week for the time being and have been looking at this jet wash kit to just get me started. I have done the research and I know people recommend 15l or more but I will be using an estate car until I pick up enough work to warrant buying a van or even a bigger jetwash (or at least buy a van at the start of spring next year ready for the new season to kick off fully then will upgrade to a bigger machine) comments and advice is all appreciated.
Here is the link for the kit I mentioned
Get a 21lpm 13hp 2900psi or bigger. 15lpm isn't a great choice trust me....

Reference to facia & gutter cleaning, read up on electrical safety regarding overhead power lines and the risk of serious injury or accidental death because we've had too many bad cases where lack of knowledge and zero improvements from the national grid are a huge risk


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