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Liquidator+Facelift Red Rubber


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What so you have to leave lines on customers windows for two days before it starts to work?
Of course not. I've only had a few 14" lengths that leave lines and I just binned them. When new, especially in dog eared channels you tend to have a touch of drag. Extra soap and a touch more care and effort and the job is fine. After a day or two (not always because sometimes it only takes a few panes) and they are gliding superbly and for a very long time. The issue I find with Razer in general is the slight inconsistencies. it has slipped down in my estimation because of that.

What so you have to leave lines on customers windows for two days before it starts to work?
I tend to do my windows a couple of times before they go near custys then I'll just use my scrim to get rid of any leftover lines

Use unger hard for 6months over spring + summer time ...unger soft over winter..replace every 8weeks never really had a problem...think it comes down to were yu live in the world or country i.e. The weather and temperature always makes cleaning better

Use unger hard for 6months over spring + summer time ...unger soft over winter..replace every 8weeks never really had a problem...think it comes down to were yu live in the world or country i.e. The weather and temperature always makes cleaning better
We're do you live Clothman? What kind of climate do you have?
