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Making hot water


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:rofl: :rofl:£495 :rofl: :rofl::rofl: :rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl:.....

o_O....Is that price of £495 :eek: a MISS-PRINT or what....sorry but I've got to :rofl: or I'll :gush: .

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thats great and wat way did u hook it up? and wat dod u use to power it

aw mate this is great cause i rememeber @Smurf saying he payed big money to get one in and it really pt me off

so is that one no gd ? im confused
Here's the right one. Even with this one you may need to increase the flow on your controller a wee bit.


Peter Fogwill used to import a 6LPM heater and this was perfect for the job as it could ignite on a slightly slower water flow.

This looks like the equivalent of the boiler @Green posted about.


This type was first used by window cleaners, but it has no provision for a roof vent.

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2nd pump to then slow down no ?? if first pump is going flat u dont want to powerwash the windies lol and when does it go thru di ?? before the heater or after

With the expense and complications of a second pump draining the battery, buying gas, having a safety certificate for insurance etc, might work out cheaper and better in the long run just to get the right hot water heater or not have one. Personally I don't really want gas in the back of my van, I'm not cutting a vent hole and the heater and gas will use up valuable payload weight. Is hot water really that much better? I'm sure it's great for first cleans and helps with bird muck, but I can't see it makes any difference on a maintenance clean, which would matter more as it is the the bulk of most peoples work, but thats just my opinion, I've not used one, I stand to be corrected. If there was a small, lightweight, non-gas one I'd buy it though lol

lol ive got a 2 tonne payload and only use a tonne /emoticons/tongue.png lol

also battery charging system bulletproof

this van is the dogds balls when finished kitting it out going to add one these heaters very hand fitted and have a friend who works for phoenix can hook gas up

Outside of the first cleans and bird muck advantages I personally think that in colder months it will dry faster than just regular cold water. I might be wrong but I think it would rock better.

Also I have a lot of conservative cleans, cladding jobs etc where hot would cut through it a lot quicker so for a couple of hundred quid why not? Don't have to have it on all day every day, just helpful to have the option.
