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New membrane housing 3012 input elbow problem


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Hi please see photos got all set up but the water won't go through into the membrane housing so clearly it has dome sort of valve on it could anybody tell me how I get it to work before I take the hammer to it. Thanks

How do I go around the 60/40 measurement?

I have a needle valve do that can fine tune them.

Happy so far though gone from x2 150 gpd to 1x 400.

The flow is awesome. 90 psi going in from mains.

The tds from the old membranes was 11 and this new one reading 4. So happy days
How do I go around the 60/40 measurement?

I have a needle valve do that can fine tune them.

Happy so far though gone from x2 150 gpd to 1x 400.

The flow is awesome. 90 psi going in from mains.

The tds from the old membranes was 11 and this new one reading 4. So happy days
Fill a 2 litre bottle with pure and time it, then do the same with the waste
So for 2 litres of waste it's running at 1.53

For 2 litres of pure it's 3.09

I had to turn tap down to run at 80 psi as on full tilt it's running 100psi.

Having played with the restrictor tap it's now moved from 5 tds to 6 tds.
Am I better to run the water at 100psi cost of water not an issue.

Neither is speed to fill more about keeping the membrane and resin costs down
So for 2 litres of waste it's running at 1.53

For 2 litres of pure it's 3.09

I had to turn tap down to run at 80 psi as on full tilt it's running 100psi.

Having played with the restrictor tap it's now moved from 5 tds to 6 tds.

Now you are ready to tweak it.
Your best membrane efficiency is when your pure leaving to membrane is at its lowest. If your reading of 5ppm is the lowest you can achieve with the least amount of water going to waste, that's yours best pure to waste ratio.

What happens if your tap water pressure is left at 100psi?
Now you are ready to tweak it.
Your best membrane efficiency is when your pure leaving to membrane is at its lowest. If your reading of 5ppm is the lowest you can achieve with the least amount of water going to waste, that's yours best pure to waste ratio.

What happens if your tap water pressure is left at 100psi?
Thanks spruce.

So I will go.and adjust back to 5 ppm.

Yes If I fully open the tap the water pressure going into the membranes is 100 psi. But when I was testing trying to set the correct ratio I set it to 80 psi. Would I be best just fully opening the tap and running the membranes at 100 psi all of the time
Thanks spruce.

So I will go.and adjust back to 5 ppm.

Yes If I fully open the tap the water pressure going into the membranes is 100 psi. But when I was testing trying to set the correct ratio I set it to 80 psi. Would I be best just fully opening the tap and running the membranes at 100 psi all of the time
I would try it. The other thing to look at is how efficiently your membrane is operating at when you are achieving 5ppm.

You need to know the tds of your tap water to begin with. For example; if your tap water tds is 100ppm, then your membrane is only 95% efficient. If your tap water tds is 150ppm, then it's 96.6% efficient. If it's 200ppm then your membrane is 97.5% efficient. Most membrane manufacturers spec their membrane efficiency at between 98 and 99% efficiency (rejection rate is the term used.)
If your membrane is new, then it will possibly need time to settle in.

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