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Newbie thinking of starting up in the summer


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Nice one good luck mate. Need to be able to hack the winter too though. I'm 6 years in got lots of help off here and I still love it and earning well now. 

Gardiner poles


Personally I like xline rinse bar brushes but each to thier own. 

You tube research lots 

All the best 

i Started with a cheap mop and blade with extending pole, rapidly moved on to wfp with trolley, pole and barrels in a Nisan micra. As I gained more custom I then purchased a second hand van and a separate used system and modded it. I would have preferred to have started with the van but this buisness can grow with you too.

The first thing you need is a genuine will to do this. With the upmost respect you've found a window cleaning forum and asked what you need. You've not researched anything outside of trad and WFP. Set up videos etc are all over YouTube so that would be a good starting point. If you sit and wait to be told everything you will get nowhere. It's different when it comes down to the difference between a 4040 RO and a 450GPD... But "what do I need to get started" is just asking to be spoon fed.

Some others have eluded to this so I'll go ahead and say it; If you're specifically starting in summer, can't wait till then etc, you're gonna fail mate. You'll fail on mornings like today where I can't feel my fingers and all I've done is fill the van so far. It's a tough job at times, but also very rewarding. The new customers will start coming in for me in 2-4 weeks time, you need time to set yourself up and starting in July is just planning to fail.

1. In summary, research your system and ask questions on what you don't understand.

2. Start now or you'll fail.

The first thing you need is a genuine will to do this. With the upmost respect you've found a window cleaning forum and asked what you need. You've not researched anything outside of trad and WFP. Set up videos etc are all over YouTube so that would be a good starting point. If you sit and wait to be told everything you will get nowhere. It's different when it comes down to the difference between a 4040 RO and a 450GPD... But "what do I need to get started" is just asking to be spoon fed.

Some others have eluded to this so I'll go ahead and say it; If you're specifically starting in summer, can't wait till then etc, you're gonna fail mate. You'll fail on mornings like today where I can't feel my fingers and all I've done is fill the van so far. It's a tough job at times, but also very rewarding. The new customers will start coming in for me in 2-4 weeks time, you need time to set yourself up and starting in July is just planning to fail.

1. In summary, research your system and ask questions on what you don't understand.

2. Start now or you'll fail.
P4dstar, thanks for the reply. Definitely not asking to be spoon fed, as I said this is all very new to me so this is part of the research phase for me! Fully aware that you have to put elbow grease into anything if you want to succeed, this is why I want to be clear on as much as I can before I do get started, and coming to a forum full of window cleaners seemed like the best way to start. Although I get your point, this won't be my only research channel ?

Honestly I'd love to start now! But I'm in the middle of a move, and moving to a small village in Essex for a few months doesn't seem like the ideal time to start it if I'm just going to up sticks again - I may do Saturday rounds but we will see. Only starting in the summer as that will be when I'm in my new permanent home. I'm not averse to the cold and **** weather if that's what my initial message sounded like... 

It will probably a good idea for me to get in the new area a month or so before we move in to canvass like Dave said! 

Thanks for the replies everyone, and noted on the not needing a licence ?

The first thing you need is a genuine will to do this. With the upmost respect you've found a window cleaning forum and asked what you need. You've not researched anything outside of trad and WFP. Set up videos etc are all over YouTube so that would be a good starting point. If you sit and wait to be told everything you will get nowhere. It's different when it comes down to the difference between a 4040 RO and a 450GPD... But "what do I need to get started" is just asking to be spoon fed.

Some others have eluded to this so I'll go ahead and say it; If you're specifically starting in summer, can't wait till then etc, you're gonna fail mate. You'll fail on mornings like today where I can't feel my fingers and all I've done is fill the van so far. It's a tough job at times, but also very rewarding. The new customers will start coming in for me in 2-4 weeks time, you need time to set yourself up and starting in July is just planning to fail.

1. In summary, research your system and ask questions on what you don't understand.

2. Start now or you'll fail.
This man knows what he is talking about, came into this game from not cleaning a window before and built his business up whilst working a paye job, but he has more drive and grit than most,

you need a serious amount of drive to make a successful business, most people have very little idea what it takes to make it and what running a business really entails, I've said it before no 4 weeks paid holiday no work equals no money and all the bills keep coming, you are on your with no one else who fully understands what it is to run a business other than other people

I would be canvassing now even if it means a drive on saturdays to do the work.

The next month is where it all starts kicking off with new work.. summer is ok but mainly 1 off jobs you pick up then like gutters etc.

You will be holding yourself back if you wait too long.. suddenly the weather turns to winter and the new enquiries slow right down.

I know it sounds daft but Inland Revenue want any books in a simple format. They can fine you a grand even if its all above board but all over the place.
No they can't.if your above board then your above board how you present them and record them is down to you as long as it's legal.

They want them in the simplest format and as easy as possible to make life simple for them.

If your investigated and you can't provide the information of paper work they need,Or they have a query and need your previous years accounts and you don't have the information or have destroyed it this can sometimes carry a fine.

This is very, very unlikely they will normally give you time to sort this out before a fine.


Just signed up, looking to join the world of window cleaning in a few months and was hoping for some advice if you don't mind!

Currently working in a marketing job in the city, but ridiculously fed up with sitting behind a desk all day working my ar*e off with no recognition (and no pay rise in sight). Time to up sticks!

Window cleaning has caught my eye, and although I'm still very new to it all, I think I'll go straight in with WFP as it seems like most places are heading that way anyway. First question is about the kit I'll need to set up - what will I need? By the time I'm ready to dive in (maybe 5 months time from now) I'll likely have a few thousand pounds to get myself going, hopefully that will cover most things. Not sure if I'll buy a van straight away, so will just use my car initially, so I assume I will need some smaller barrels of water to carry in the car?

I'll be London based (SW), is there still demand out there for windies in this area? I obviously don't want to tread on people toes, so what would be the best way to find out who is operating houses/buildings etc, or is it a case of business is business?

If you have any other start up tips for a newbie, would be massively appreciated ?

May I ask; why window cleaning?

Why not another marketing job with better prospects? You have experience as a marketer which is more than you have looking at being a window cleaner.

Why not something else such as gardening or grass cutting?  I got into window cleaning because I had no other quick fix option but I already had a van and ladders.

Sometimes I wish I was stuck 'sitting behind a desk working my **** off' in a warm office, especially when its chucking it down with rain and the weather is freezing cold. I've forgotten what its like to get 21 days paid leave a year and get sick pay on those odd days when I was feeling really bad.

Yes, it great being out in the warm sunshine a couple of days a year and customers tell us how fortunate we are. But window cleaning is hard graft.

You not only have to be good at cleaning windows, you also have to be organised, be a sales person and be prepared to knock on doors. Being good at marketing doesn't mean you will find a good customer base just using that experience. You have to be good at dealing with rejection. You will have to deal with a variety of customer cultures and personalities as a window cleaner, be able to quote a job, run the financial side of the business and not be afraid to knock on a bad debtors door and ask for money, do your tax return or at least understand what an accountant wants, repair and maintain your equipment, grow your business and still have time to devote to family and friends.

For the next few years you will have to focus on growing your business. There will be little time for socialising down the pub talking about your favourite football team. You will have to eat, sleep and talk window cleaning. If you see a lady cleaning her own windows you need to have the confidence to stop and ask if she needs a window cleaner.

When people ask you what your career is, they will look at you with respect when you tell them you are in marketing. When they same person asks the same question and you tell them you are a window cleaner, you rank at the bottom on the pile or pecking order along with dustbin men and street sweepers. Can you handle people prejudging you and looking down at you?

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The first thing you need is a genuine will to do this. With the upmost respect you've found a window cleaning forum and asked what you need. You've not researched anything outside of trad and WFP. Set up videos etc are all over YouTube so that would be a good starting point. If you sit and wait to be told everything you will get nowhere. It's different when it comes down to the difference between a 4040 RO and a 450GPD... But "what do I need to get started" is just asking to be spoon fed.

Some others have eluded to this so I'll go ahead and say it; If you're specifically starting in summer, can't wait till then etc, you're gonna fail mate. You'll fail on mornings like today where I can't feel my fingers and all I've done is fill the van so far. It's a tough job at times, but also very rewarding. The new customers will start coming in for me in 2-4 weeks time, you need time to set yourself up and starting in July is just planning to fail.

1. In summary, research your system and ask questions on what you don't understand.

2. Start now or you'll fail.
I couldn't agree more

This is a tough forum sometimes but the guys are genuine.

I would be canvassing now even if it means a drive on saturdays to do the work.

The next month is where it all starts kicking off with new work.. summer is ok but mainly 1 off jobs you pick up then like gutters etc.

You will be holding yourself back if you wait too long.. suddenly the weather turns to winter and the new enquiries slow right down.
Picked up 4 jobs in last week and quoting another one this weekend, not so grim up north ?

P4dstar, thanks for the reply. Definitely not asking to be spoon fed, as I said this is all very new to me so this is part of the research phase for me! Fully aware that you have to put elbow grease into anything if you want to succeed, this is why I want to be clear on as much as I can before I do get started, and coming to a forum full of window cleaners seemed like the best way to start. Although I get your point, this won't be my only research channel ?

Honestly I'd love to start now! But I'm in the middle of a move, and moving to a small village in Essex for a few months doesn't seem like the ideal time to start it if I'm just going to up sticks again - I may do Saturday rounds but we will see. Only starting in the summer as that will be when I'm in my new permanent home. I'm not averse to the cold and **** weather if that's what my initial message sounded like... 
Honestly you can start whenever you like. I went full time in an April, it was easy to make it work from there. Plus I already had a few customers. If you decide to start later it can still work, if you don't have any fallback money then just get a second job. The initial post didn't read that you were afraid of the cold, more that you are procrastinating. The cold weather thing was a warning. I was part time through the first winter doing this, My hands haven't been that cold since school. You may think you're ready for a bit of cold but trust me, when you've got a handful of customers, bills to pay, a frozen hose reel and chilblains it will be really easy to turn your back on it all and go and sit back behind that desk.

With regards to research this is the first video I ever found;


Not saying it's all correct, its been a long while since I watched it. I looked at this and then some technique videos. After that if you search water fed pole system and just look at what the setups are like. Might be worth looking at Green Pro Clean's channel, his older videos are all helpful to newbies... Haven't watched his new stuff, looks like he's sunning it up somewhere ?

Once you have an idea what your plan is we would have something to work with. What you presented us with is an empty shell. everyones business is so different you need to do what's right for you, many many wise heads on here will guide you with the specifics.

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Yeah but your down south though ?
Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing 'Hallelujah.'

But you try and tell the young people today that... and they won't believe ya'.

Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, 

But you try and tell the young people today that... and they won't believe ya'.
Sounds like my average working day ?

This is my set up from the back of a Nissan Qashqai. Started with just the backpack but evolved it to make life a lot easier. I also have x12 25l water barrels and use spotless water for now 



Having read a few replies on here, I'll add my little tuppence worth. 

You won't last. 

So many people want to get into window cleaning in the summer, they think they will make a bunch of dosh, and be able to look forward to the next summer doing the same again. 

In truth, you need a lot of customers, at least a few hundred. And they need to be good regular customers, all year-round.

As many have said, it's hard graft. I have been in this job 20 years nearly and if i had the chance to do things again, i wouldn't choose window  cleaning. 

Yes it's good money, when established but it's boring as hell, the weather is always against you, and people treat you like poop.

You have to be strong willed, organised, and be able to motivate yourself, every day when it's horrible and wet, week after week..coming home smelling like a drown rat every day.

I personally know of 5 people who started up window cleaning, just like you. Every single one of them quit within 3 years, that is a fact.

I would wish you good luck, but to be honest your going to need a lot  more than luck to be able to succeed. And even if you do, you'll be sick and tired of the job by the time you are earning any decent amount of money.

I have started some adult learning to hopefully start a Degree in Law at the open university . I am not an academic type, but I am so fed up of this trap I have put myself in..I have no idea if I will suceed but I have to try something. 

It's a trap, because I earn more than most general practitioners make now, but I have no qualifications to do anything else that pays anywhere near as much. 

So if you want to trap yourself into a job, window cleaning is the way your going to do it. 
