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One shot remote in action through walls!


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If you put it next to your head it goes further too. Im not even joking lol.

Also works with central locking or alarms. /emoticons/smile.png

If you put it next to your head it goes further too. Im not even joking lol.
Also works with central locking or alarms. /emoticons/smile.png
Or its just because your holding it up higher :rofl:

I really can't see all the fuss about this! Aqua Dapter all the way imo. Simple. Effective.
There is no fuss - just that your pump will break before ours as your always using the pressure switch /emoticons/tongue.png

Plus battery lasts longer, there the two main advantages...

Then there's the whole, no weight on the pole, no adapters, no taps, no replacing broken parts (aqua daptor) and you don't need to buy taps or aqua daptirs for all your poles, one shot means you can leave all poles bare...

Chris, I love aquadapters and have them on 3 poles. But as Jake says, no back pressure on the pump. If you are around the back of a house and a customer is yakking away, one click of the button and the pump is stopped and has a chance to call down

Aqua daptors are good, I just prefer having the pump off and having no more weight on the pole, it's not a life changing device, but it does defo mean the pump will last a lot longer and battery Will last longer,

The other thing is your less prone to leaks as there's no back pressure, so it's nice and easy for the fittings and hoses to handle,

Jake I'm getting a delay with mine, 1st time use today fully extended 60m hose round a building in a cherry with no prob! Except the delay :whistle:

Do the 3mm jets make that difference?

Yeah 3mm jets make a huge difference, and also have you got 8mm minibore? If you've got 6mm microbore you'll also get more of a delay as pressure will be higher in the 6mm hose...

What bummer @Hunty !

Try the 3mm jets first, then if all else fails - 8mm hose on the reel...

My flow is on 75 in the video, and the water is almost instantly off, so it is possible to stop the after flow, but it may mean the changes we've said /emoticons/sad.png
