Feb 5, 2013 #1 N nwcs Well-known member Messages 724 feeling a litte guilty as put a job up £2:00 a month. been doing this house 4 years at 25 a month and never put price up. do ppl still put prices up every year......?
feeling a litte guilty as put a job up £2:00 a month. been doing this house 4 years at 25 a month and never put price up. do ppl still put prices up every year......?
Feb 6, 2013 #2 harunh Well-known member Messages 10,382 4 years and u still got the same price... Thats very good ,
Feb 6, 2013 #3 O OoO Some houses haven't moved in for 10 years on this round. But considering we are in recession and just after Xmas we won't bother. Thing is when you turn up on and do 25 houses out of 40 on a road. It easily makes up for it /emoticons/biggrin.png But prices will be going up in April. Canvas,clean,cull.
Some houses haven't moved in for 10 years on this round. But considering we are in recession and just after Xmas we won't bother. Thing is when you turn up on and do 25 houses out of 40 on a road. It easily makes up for it /emoticons/biggrin.png But prices will be going up in April. Canvas,clean,cull.