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shoulder injury


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johnny bravo

Well-known member
bad shoulder injury coming back again just when you dont want it to . doctors prognosis Rotator Cuff injury. Anyone got similar problems. No real remedy apart from stretching . Hopefully not too severe. im alright for a few hours yhen starts to become painfull when raising arm.
bad shoulder injury coming back again just when you dont want it to . doctors prognosis Rotator Cuff injury. Anyone got similar problems. No real remedy apart from stretching . Hopefully not too severe. im alright for a few hours yhen starts to become painfull when raising arm.
If you haven't already then buy an Xtreme pole and sill brush it's surprising the difference a lighter pole and brush can make, I had issues with my shoulders and elbows on and off for a few years although never went to the doctors I also avoid strenuous jobs with windows over big extensions and don't do add ons
The last few days my shoulder has been playing up, I’m sure it’s repetitive strain from cleaning. Luckily I’m off this week so resting it. Last night I had a hot water bottle on it all night and it loosened it slightly so will continue with that. my everyday pole is a slx18 with extreme brush so the only improvement I can make for lightness is an Xtreme pole so may have to bite the bullet. Like @Iron Giant I avoid add ons that put greater strain on the body.
I also keep promising myself a full body massage to get all the niggles loosened up, this job can be wearing on the body, I know I feel it!
i went for the extreem when it first triggered off around 9 month ago . plenty of stretching and a small microwave heat pack continuously used after work and more stretching. it improved. im a regular gym goer from teens i maybe still think im 25. very light shoulder work etc . ive stopped Facia cleans unless via ladder if easy. back to my stretching and heat pack . off today waiting for virgin media . it apears all old phone lines are being phased out . the connextion box you plug your phone in . They stick an adapter in your router now then plug your cable into that.

Back to my stretching
Part Timer
How long were you out of action for after Opp.
I watched a programme last night . Rotator Cuff Tendon tear, Key hole surgery Cutting off the torn tendon Then attatching a strip pig skin for the body to then transform it into a Tendon it has replaced .
But this chap had very painfull movement . Mines ok day to day. just a few hours into work .
I try to keep my elbow low so as not to raise my left shoulder high. Thats what triggers it off.

Hope it keeps calm to get upto Xmas then take a few weeks off and rest it
Part Timer
How long were you out of action for after Opp.
I watched a programme last night . Rotator Cuff Tendon tear, Key hole surgery Cutting off the torn tendon Then attatching a strip pig skin for the body to then transform it into a Tendon it has replaced .
But this chap had very painfull movement . Mines ok day to day. just a few hours into work .
I try to keep my elbow low so as not to raise my left shoulder high. Thats what triggers it off.

Hope it keeps calm to get upto Xmas then take a few weeks off and rest it
Had the op in September and defied the surgeons recovery time by doing gutters in December. I also had a frozen shoulder, I tore it on Christmas morning and due to the wonderful NHS had to wait 9 months for the op. The op was keyhole but they shaved some of the bone and reattached the tendon using titanium screws. Initially the surgeon said it would take me 3 months before I could lift a kettle, was dumbfounded that within 3 months I had full movement back. Mind the excercises were brutal and the dog went into the kitchen when I did them as he didn't like the noises I was making :ROFLMAO:
If I was you anything in the gym chest or shoulders thats makes it hurt then don't do it. Work out what exercises and weight don't impact it. I aways train shoulders light due to this work. Heavy bench press - bar or dumbells does not impact my shoulders. Certain shoulder exercises do.

Just have a rest of shoulder training till new year and focus on something else i.e back or legs and hopefully it repairs itself. You could go physio. My brother in law who has trained the last 25 years is having physio to help his rotar cuff at the moment. He paid a private doctor to look at it and is paying for the physio - gave up with NHS...
I actually tore my Rotator Cuff, big operation with screws etc but have very little problem with it now.
All I would try and do is use your other arm, I know it's awkward and slower but it should help ease the pain.
Surgery is the best option
I opted for no surgery after a bad tear and it took nearly 2 years to recover
To be honest my body is so recked if I was a horse I would be dog food and glue by now
Extend the pole another 6-12inches, so your hands stay lower, between waist and chest. Any higher puts strain in your shoulders.

Also try and retract your shoulder blades. The best description I’ve heard, is put your shoulders back and down, like your trying to put them in your trouser back pockets.
If you do this there will be very little movement in the shoulder.
Mine are fine now, although if they are inflamed it may take a couple of months to feel the benefit.
And try to not tense up either.
I started getting this a few months back, arm felt dead all the time. Was using a phantom 25ft pole. Changed over to a 22ft phantom himod. We still do some of the run with a ladder because it's quicker than the pole. I tend to do that bit when we get there and let the other guy use the wfp.
out today half day as tuesday. start off keeping my left arm low up & down with my right which is ok. it was ok for 3 hours then started to feel it . home with heat pad and stretching . Docs and Physios just say stretch. which i do . Started taking Tumeric capsules now see if they help the imflamation in that area.
At least i can get out even for a few hours . Weekends will have to be done to cover work load .
May look for a newbie wanting some work while trying to build up

out today half day as tuesday. start off keeping my left arm low up & down with my right which is ok. it was ok for 3 hours then started to feel it . home with heat pad and stretching . Docs and Physios just say stretch. which i do . Started taking Tumeric capsules now see if they help the imflamation in that area.
At least i can get out even for a few hours . Weekends will have to be done to cover work load .
May look for a newbie wanting some work while trying to build up
I don't know all the ins and outs of injuries but usually with inflammation Ibuprofen and ice packs are far better than heat. Initially, after work, I'd be icing it and before work heating it.
Physios just say stretch
If you are using an NHS Physio I'd drop them and find a really good private physio as some of them don't have a clue also a private physio can actually put their hands on you if needed whereas an NHS physio is totally hands-off for fear of getting sued this is a fact,

None of them could help my wife in over 10 years and even some of the private ones weren't that good she has ongoing issues with her shoulders mostly just because of normal daily use her muscles have to work 2-3 times harder than a normal person to keep them into place as the ball joint can move out of the socket because of the free range of movement her joints have so her muscles getting knotted up quite badly
Get to see a soec
bad shoulder injury coming back again just when you dont want it to . doctors prognosis Rotator Cuff injury. Anyone got similar problems. No real remedy apart from stretching . Hopefully not too severe. im alright for a few hours yhen starts to become painfull when raising arm.
Get to see a specialist, I had my rotator cuffs reattached last year, out for 3 months
Physio most important, I still get issues but no where near what it was like, couldn’t even lay on it
I've been weight training regularly for nearly 7 years now and it seems to have stopped any shoulder aggro in its tracks.i also work short hours with very light hi mod poles.....I also don't do too many add ons these days.im 51 years of age now and I've never been stronger which helps massively with this job IMO.