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I tried using both arms equally whilst cleaning, and using the body back & forth with it. I always forget this thou lol. I do martial arts, so know body mechanics well. I should try and break this habit of letting most of one arm do the work!!
I used to box and now train krav maga and learnt kung fu off a mates older brother by sparring with him in the park for about 2 years solid
He is an instructor at ikedo, tae kwon do and kung fu and trains doormen in west london so i reckon it wasn't just kung fu it was a mix i think as some stuff didn't seem to blend
Actually, just thinking about this!! My aching elbow is always in the left arm, and is where the left arm tries to support/balance the pole to get leverage. I notice I only really get it after using my 34ft pole doing flats etc.
Yeah, Dave. Gotta mix it up with the training. I've been doing Kung-Fu for a bit now. Wing-Chun. But we add other stuff in with it to mix it up a bit. I was doing Shaolin for a couple of years just recently stopped. Got too much to fit in as I do 4 times a week. Just got in! Bed time! Laters