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The Cost Of Living Crisis And Your Business!


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I think it could be a tough year. 
 Last two years have great, loads of extra customers, put most of my prices up. 

This year I’m not so sure. So far I’m ahead. I’ve picked up 5, lost one ( overspent at Christmas) and had one go to every other. 
 I wouldn’t be surprised if this changes. If I can end the year in roughly the same shape as I started I’ll be happy. 

 Yes Brexit was idiotic, but it’s time to move on now??

One customer said "money is tight" and cancelled me for good, I thought "thanks very much, same here", but there's nothing more you can do other than keep canvassing

One customer said "money is tight" and cancelled me for good, I thought "thanks very much, same here", but there's nothing more you can do other than keep canvassing
I think a lot of this depends ware in the country you are we haven’t lost a single customer so far things might change but no sign of it yet . 

No change for me .....I've picked up a few new jobs lately and starting to get my annual add on jobs booked in as usual...I have dropped a few too but no more than any other year....

picked up 15 new customers in the last 3 weeks.   any that will cancel   are now replaced.   im waiting for the       we will contact you when we need them doing 

I think it could be a tough year. 
 Last two years have great, loads of extra customers, put most of my prices up. 

This year I’m not so sure. So far I’m ahead. I’ve picked up 5, lost one ( overspent at Christmas) and had one go to every other. 
 I wouldn’t be surprised if this changes. If I can end the year in roughly the same shape as I started I’ll be happy. 

 Yes Brexit was idiotic, but it’s time to move on now??
The Tory government said from the beginning it would take 5-10 years before we really feel the benefits of Brexit.

So how do you know it’s idiotic?

The person that got the abuse admitted to working indoors, and their staff as well. They were also anti vax, whilst the stick they got was well over the top they were working illegally and deserved some of it.
If it's one I'm thinking of, that person only ever came on here to wind people up and the last time had people hooked and jumping to their defence, complete trouble maker and liar 

They were female and any personal abuse or threats, for an opinion on something that even the "experts" didn'tknow about fully, is out of order
Was that the one alway saying " hubby does this, hubby does that etc"?

She really got my back up.

I never stopped going to work. Not for one day. Let's see if I get abuse ?
A lot of workers on here were slaughtered for going out with many quite rightly saying they were going out to put food on the tables for their families, some were even saying that the virus was transmissible from 100 metres outdoors this speculative nonsense where ever it came from has now proved to be rubbish and Government guide lines were go to work if you can't work from home no one did anything wrong apart from the ones handing out the abuse it must have been terrible for the ones on the end of the abuse. 

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A lot of workers on here were slaughtered for going out with many quite rightly saying they were going out to put food on the tables for their families, some were even saying that the virus was transmissible from 100 metres outdoors this speculative nonsense where ever it came from has now proved to be rubbish and Government guide lines were go to work if you can't work from home no one did anything wrong apart from the ones handing out the abuse it must have been terrible for the ones on the end of the abuse. 
I carried on, yeh they can be like the type of idiot who give you abuse on the road for some imagined transgression, yet go and do the exact same thing themselves. Pulling out onto roundabout is a common one. Obviously my van pulls away relatively slowly, yet if there seems to be a bit of a gap I will have to go for it. Then some jerk tears into view on my right and hoots their horn as if ive committed gawd knows what. Lately I just keep calm and laugh at them, used to be hard but its best for your sanity.

It's looking like the thing we need to be concerned about right now is whether or not there is going to be a war, that could change everything. ?
We will do nothing if it kicks off as we rely on the fuel in Europe. 

Although we have north sea fuel etc we sell it on to others. 

I hope so anyway as I can be called up same as @Apw1210etc as we have experience. 


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