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ive been looking at getting a van now my business has finally hitting its peak. but i got my heart set on a mercedes vito, are these anygood. i hear horror stories bout rotting etc on mercs. ideally id love a vw transporter but there expensive and over what i can afford. mercs look the biz i think. anyone got one here?

ive been looking at getting a van now my business has finally hitting its peak. but i got my heart set on a mercedes vito, are these anygood. i hear horror stories bout rotting etc on mercs. ideally id love a vw transporter but there expensive and over what i can afford. mercs look the biz i think. anyone got one here?
Stay away from earlier Vitos is my advice.
Not only do bodies rot and look awful (unprofessional as window cleaning is image related) but repair costs can cripple you, especially if you have a injector issue. (It isn't the cost of the injectors but rather the cost of removing them if a seized one breaks which isn't uncommon. The cylinder head then needs to be removed, sent to a specialist repairer who will heat the cylinder head gently until the alloy expands more than the injector. The injector drops out, but the head needs to be very slowly cooled over a period of time to prevent warping. Skimming, valve seat regrind, news valves and camshaft inspection/replacement can mean just writing the van off.)

This is what happened to two friends in the village. The first should have scrapped his 03 plate rusty Vito but chose to repair it, and the second sent his Y plate Sprinter to the scrap yard when the same thing happened to him.

Clean high mileage vans have probably been resprayed, so don't trust that the rust wouldn't come back - its like cancer on those vehicles.

what vans are good and reliable then?? i wont have a transit, ppl in my area who have them are pikeys.

there a bit bigger than vito aint they, i cant drive massive things when i only need space for water barrels tank and poles. :lol: if i had 1000L of water then maybe but i never use 1000L lol

well im looking to double my customers this year so id say about 600L max. would i beable to fit 600L and all my gear into a dispatch or expert? im not after a MASSIVE van as parking up my ways bad enough as it is and dont fancy leaving it on another street.

Scudo would be ideal (scudo/expert/dispatch are the same, except scudo is cheapest to insure)

Has a 1000kg limit iirc so should be fine mate


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